How to read and plot a csv/txt file

Hi everyone, I would like to plot a txt file that includes time and data values.
Here, I attached the file. Thanks.
data.txt (1.4 MB)

In Qspice? Change extension to .csv, and directly drag into a schematic (In File Browser, hold left click for .csv file and drag it to Qspice schematic window). The waveform window will pop up and plot this data.

How about to store that data for the simulation? For an example, that data will be multiplied with adjustable gain in Qspice.

Are you referring to loading this data file into the simulation? You can load this file without renaming it, but you need to remove the header line from it (i.e., remove the first line ‘time data’).

If you need more information, you can refer to the Qspice Help for the V source, or the ‘V. Voltage Source’ section in my Device Guideline in my Github.

Thanks Kelvin, it’s works.