Problem 1:
When having maxstep size: GOOD
When not having max step size: not so good, look at the data points of sine wave
My question, is there any other variant to have more data points on sine wave, other than setting maxstep size?
Problem 1:
When having maxstep size: GOOD
When not having max step size: not so good, look at the data points of sine wave
My question, is there any other variant to have more data points on sine wave, other than setting maxstep size?
You have to understand what you propose before asking why it behave. I would not go for something like sin(2*pi*freq*time)
with B-source for voltage control frequency generation.
and because? …why?
Just by looking at its appearance, it seems fine… but if you examine the frequency, it won’t actually give you 2Hz at 10s. Frequency is not at V(f) as long as it in varying.
Furthermore, if you vary your frequency setpoint in steps (rather than a continuous function), you will obtain something like this. This is the result you obtain when manipulating the mathematical properties of the sine function.
But I think you are not using the same formuula for sine wave…look at my definition of behaviour source sine wave. Using this formula for sine wave that I am using gives the expected answer…
VCO made with sine wave.qsch (6.8 KB)
The only thing is that at much higher frequency set point, for example lets compare 1kHz and 100kHz on the previous simulation:
Without maxstep size and 1kHz frequency: good
With maxstep size for example of 50ns and 1kHz frequency: good
Without maxstep size and 100kHz frequency: I see that the sine wave has not so many points to form a clear sine wave
With maxstep size for example of 50ns for example and 100kHz frequency: good
I am trying think of a way to generate a variable frequency triangular waveform instead of sawtoot like the one you have.
Goto to #7 post. The original approach generated a triangular waveform for comparison (node Vp). But is it what you are looking for?
How to make a voltage controlled oscillator in simulation? - QSPICE - Qorvo Tech Forum
Yep, that serves the purpose. Thanks so much