How to import NIGBT model in PSpice into QSpice?

I want to repeat the simulation in a paper. He is using an IGBT model in PSpice, and I want to simulate it with QSpice.
The .MODEL command in QSpice does not support IGBT, how do I import NIGBT model from PSpice into QSpice?
For example, if I want to import APT25GF100BN IGBT into QSpice, what should I do? How do I convert .MODEL model to .SUBSCK model?

This is the IGBT library in PSpice
igbt.txt (87.1 KB)

The model in the subcircuit consists of a PNP and a MOS transistor. From the model we can extract the parameters of the MOS transistor and it is already good. I suggest that the PNP model should be selected. LTspice is a good tool to use. Then you compare the static and dynamic parameters of the two models and do the fitting of the new model.