How to get the raw data and transmit through USB?

I am trying to get the raw data from antenna, as I want to make the DWM3001CDK works like radar, which TX certain wave then RX the reflation wave.

I found the sample codes seems not work with FreeRTOS, and I have try the “Example 02j: simple capture and reading of ADC samples”, which doesn’t work.

Hello @htl ,

Unfortunately, the DW3000 is only capable of transmitting or receiving (but not both) at a given time. Therefore, to experiment with radar, you would need to use 2 DW3000 devices.

Here is a research paper where 2x DW3000 devices were used: UWB Bistatic Radar Sensor: Across Channels Evaluation | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore

We also have a future product more targeted for radar. Please see the the note from @Yves_Bernard_Qorvo here: Using your product for UWB sensing ( like radar) - #2 by Yves_Bernard_Qorvo

Thanks for your reply.

I would like to know if there a way to extract the raw RX data from the devices?

You may try to look at the ex_02k_simple_rx_cir from our SDK

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Sadly I realized that the SDK only has targets for nRF52840-DK and STM_Nucleo_F429, but I am using DWM3001CDK. The program complies from serger embedded studio just not work.

And I notice that the header files are quite different from FreeRTOS’s, I have no idea how to migrate it to an RTOS app.

And the ex_02k_simple_rx_cir retrieve the CIR with frames received, but what I need is to get the raw data of antenna even without any frames.

Thus do you know how to turn the antenna always on RX mode and get the raw data from some registers?

Thanks so much.

You can get the latest version of the SDK which supports the DWM3001CDK here:

Concerning the raw data from antenna, it not possible to retrieve them. The best you can get are the Channel Impulse Response (CIR) estimation plus some other registers to help processing the CIR (First path index, peak path index, …). The CIR is usually the raw data used for UWB Radar, thanks to this, you can explore and develop algorithms for a lot of different use cases like presence detection, breathing detection, gesture recognition, even heartbeat monitoring…