How to Enable BLE AoA for DWM3001CDK - Setting DFEMODE for nRF52833 in the firwmare

Hello everyone,

I’d like to enable BLE AoA that is available to the nRF52833 that is being used in the DWM3001CDK, such that I can use it alongside some BLE AoA antennas from uBlox, that will act as the receiver.

It seems all I need to do is enable RADIO_DFEMODE_DFEOPMODE_AoA that is defined in the nrf52833_bitfields.h within the DW3_QM33_SDK firmware, but I am not sure how to do this exactly…

I’d like to use the DWM3001CDK in FiRA mode that will be set via the CLI interface, for two-way ranging, I just also need it to send out the CTE that is used in Bluetooth AoA (which it will be doing automatically it seems?), so my main receiver using the uBlox AoA device can see what angle the DWM3001CDK is ranging from.

Where in the firmware / main code can I set this RADIO_DFEMODE_DFEOPMODE_AoA bitfield for the nRF52833? What does the function call to do this look like? Where should I place this function call?

Thank you!
