How to configure DWM3001 for long corridor?

Hello everyone!

I have an idea to track some devices inside two huge warehouse, in which the devices will be moving in a long corridor, the distance of this corridor is over 500m, including a tunnel which communicates both warehouse.The anchor devices will be put in some columns which are 50ft from each other.

I’ve been investigating and seems that the best option is to use de DWM3001, since it has a max range of 250m, but it’s seems that I’ll need to use several gateways.

It’s possible to connect this gateways so I can have the information of the entire corridor in the same panelview?

Can you tell me where I can find this information?


Hello Gerjim,

if I understand you correctly, your problem isn’t really the range but rather if it is possible to use multiple gateways to get results from all anchors - even if out of range of one gateway.

You can get more information on how the software works when looking into the datasheet and product brief from the DWM1001-DEV. It is essentially the same as your chip, just with the old DW1000 as a transceiver instead of the DW3000.

The datasheet states on page 1:

Easily assemble a fully wireless RTLS system, including anchors, tags & gateways […]

I can’t say for sure, but using multiple gateways should be possible from my understanding.

Kind regards

Thanks! Let me check this info.