High level approach to reading from a listener tag

I have a c++ serial implementation that works well getting position data from tags (I have a bluetooth version too but I’m going hardwired for this). But now I want to listen for all tags in the area so I can track multiple at once from our server. I’m not going for the PI3 gateway approach. I was thinking a listener attached to Pi4/5 or directly to a PC.

So real quick what functions in the API would I use to read all tags that a listener sees? Or is listener the wrong way to go and I should be doing a gateway tag or something else? For example now I just use a dwm_loc_get to get my tags position, but I’m not seeing anything (yet) that’s like get all tags or anything that says listener in the api doc.

Thank you!

Hi @esteimle
the listener function is a remnant form first PANS release which we have decided to keep there. The only way how you can get the location data of the listener is the “les” command.

In overall I would recommend to use gateways as it gives you more possibility - downlink / uplink, configuration …


Gateway is locked to PI3 though right? And no API for it?