Hello, we have a development based on:
** DWM3001CDK*
** DW3_QM33_SDK_0.1 (drivers version: 6.00.07)*
** SEGGER Embedded Studio (Release 8.10b Build 2024011200.55329 Windows x64)*
We have develop our application based on API examples:
** ex_05b_ds_twr_resp*
** ex_05a_ds_twr_init*
Now we are trying to port our application to be based on the new DW3_QM33_SDK_1.0.1 (drivers version 8.02.02).
We have modified the SES project to use DW3_QM33_SDK_1.0.1 drivers; new headers and .c sources are in the project in spite of the previous precompiled .a files.
When we run our application we have:
*** 1 HardFault during the initialization; when it is checked if DW3000 is on IDLE:
– Line where hardFault happens:
– HardFault:
3 new warning in the compilation that we did not have in the original project, DW3_QM33_SDK_0.1
Has anywone the same problem or any clue to this issue?
Thanks in advance.