Grouping 2 inductors (mutually) to create xfmr that that be grabbed and moved as one device

I can create/draw a transformer using 2 inductors and indicating mutual inductance with a K-directive. Is there a method to group the 2 inductor symbols on the schematic together so as to make moving or dragging the symbols around easier/tidier?

Hold down Shift and select an area to move multiple components, including text boxes.

Another method is to create a symbol, the only downside is that you need extra work to read the current as X-device doesn’t supply direct measurement of current from its terminal.

Parent.Coupled-Inductor.qsch (3.4 KB)

Does the Behavioral/analog/Transformer( ,2,3) component meet your needs?

The built-in transformer model has a resistance of only the primary winding.

I normally use Qspice transformer ×-device as ideal transformer, where inductance can be infinity. Sometime, I would like to model a transformer with leakage, magnitizing and with an ideal transformer. This model is easier to differentiate what part of current throught magnitizing and what is coupled.

I cannot recall I can easily do that in LTspice as there seems not an ideal transformer.

Using the ideas of Analogspiceman, I developed Winding elements and a Core (including nonlinear ones) for LTspice, and now for Qspice. The transformer is built from windings and a magnetic core. The leakage inductance and resistance can be set for each of the windings.

Yep - I knew about shift-key and drawing a box method. I was hoping for something like a group command that some drawing programs use. Thanks.