Getting Started with DWM1001 for Custom Applications

I’m diving into the world of DWM1001 and looking for guidance on how to program it for custom applications. Specifically, I have a few questions:

**Programming and Usage:

  • How can I program the DWM1001 for custom applications?
  • What platform should I use for development?
  1. Knowledge of nRF52:
  • Do I need to have prior knowledge of nRF52 for working with DWM1001?
  1. Best Starting Point:
  • What’s the best way to kickstart my journey with DWM1001 development?

I appreciate any insights, resources, or tips you can share! Excited to explore the possibilities with DWM1001. :rocket:

Thanks in advance! :raised_hands:

To start? I guess order a box of dev boards. Have an android device ready. (it’s convenient for checking the status of the devices).

Hi @mohannad
there is PANS firmware preloaded inside of the MDEK kit (the SW is also free to download on Qorvo web site). Maybe the easiest way to start is to check this firmware.
