Hi. This is the first time I am working on UWB. I have tested with the DWM1001C MDEK anchors and tag with X,Y,Z graph on android application.
I have went through several documents like "firmware api guide, “Gateway user guide”, and “On-board document”. There’s still lot of confusions.
I have used BLE sniffer to check the data from tag. But it was just a regular ble advertisement packet with basic device details. I couldn’t get the position values in it.
- How can I receive the BLE data (x,y,z and distance values) sent by tag? What is the structure of data and how to get it by some other application instead of Android appication.
- Is the deployed code in MDEK DWM1001C available to use?
- Any sample available where an external BLE device can get the tag data instead of android application?
- How many anchors and tags can be used in a single network?
- I want to use more than 25 anchors in a single network. Is it necessary for the anchors to be in the range of initiator anchor to get detected?
Sorry If I am mistaken with above points. Trying to clear doubt quickly as my confusion increases whenever in saw new user guide. Please help me out with this. Thank you.
Hi @NishithPoojary ,
Below are my answers. Please check if it helps.
- Please check these links: BLE Interface — LEAPS, API Command List — LEAPS.
- What did you mean for “available to use” ? You can program PANS binary into MDEK DWM1001C to setup PANS network and get location from there.
- Please refer (1)
- If all the Anchors and Tags are in range with each others, then the maximum is 30 Anchors and 150 Tags @ 1 Hz or 15 Tags @ 10 Hz or 1500 Tags @ 0.1 Hz etc. Please refer here Technology — LEAPS for more detail.
- All the Anchors do not need to be in range with the Initiator. Assuming we would have e.g. a grid of 20x20 consisting of 4 Anchors, then the network can be replicated throughout e.g. warehouse as soon as there are a certain overlaps between the grids.
Best Regards,
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Thank you for the reply @leapslabs . I was able to get the exact data based on first link you provided.
In my second question, I was asking whether the source code is available for the Tag/Anchor device? Thank you. I understood few things by your answer.
Our requirement is to use around 30 Tags in a 1 million square feet warehouse. So we may need above 70 anchors based on its range.
- Does anchor communicate with each other?
- What should be the minimum distance between 2 anchors while placement?
- What should be the range between a tag and an anchor for better communication between them?
- Since the limit in a network is 30 anchors, how can we detect a tag when it moves out of network and enters another network. Is it possible
for the same tag to be detected by several network?
- In the huge warehouse when using above 70 anchors, what are the ways to add the x and y positions to anchors. Do we have to add it manually or is
there any other easy way to do it? As per documents, auto-positioning can only be used on the anchors that are within Bluetooth range of the android device.
- Is there any PC app or windows SDK available to see the Grid view just like android app?
Thank you.
Hi @leapslabs and @Emre_Ozbas_Qorvo or anyone.
Can you please provide the details required. We are in a hurry to learn and make our own device. We also planned to use the Factory firmware .hex file to all devices. If anyone can please answer my doubts, it would be really appreciated. We need several networks in warehouse and if a single Tag cannot be used in multiple networks, then we may have to look for alternate device. So can anyone please let us know if there any way to use a tag in multiple networks?
Thank you.
Hi @NishithPoojary ,
Sorry for late reply. Below are my answers.
For source code, it is not open source. So, please contact us if you want to have it.
Does anchor communicate with each other? > Yes, it will communicate with other anchors.
What should be the minimum distance between 2 anchors while placement? > The distance between Anchors should be around 20m. Ideally if we can create a grid of 20 x 20 m using 4 anchors and replicate this across the installation.
What should be the range between a tag and an anchor for better communication between them? > It should be within 25-30m, but depending on the attachment of the tags and line-of-sight condition the distance might need to be reduced to ensure there is enough coverage.
Since the limit in a network is 30 anchors, how can we detect a tag when it moves out of network and enters another network. Is it possible
for the same tag to be detected by several network? > The limit of 30 Anchors is only when all the Anchors are in range with each others, i.e. they share the same air-time. If the Anchors are spread across the installation, the air-time can be reused and virtually unlimited amount of Anchors can be deployed. Only device within the same network, i.e. with the same PANID, can communicate with each others. I.e. if two networks have 2 different PANID, then the tag cannot roam between them. If two networks use the same PANID and are physically separated, then the Tag can operate in both networks.
In the huge warehouse when using above 70 anchors, what are the ways to add the x and y positions to anchors. Do we have to add it manually or is
there any other easy way to do it? > It is necessary to configure the positions into each anchor either via BLE/UART or when there are gateways deployed, the positions can be configured via the MQTT/Web application.
Is there any PC app or windows SDK available to see the Grid view just like android app? > We only provide Grid view over android app and web application.
Best Regards,
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Thank you @leapslabs . This cleared our doubts and will contact you for the source code. Do I have to mail you for it or How can I.
Can you please provide your contact info.
Thanks a lot
Hi @NishithPoojary ,
Please contact us over this email info@leapslabs.com.
Thanks & Best Regards,
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