Fatal error: Behavioral source expression compiler stack overflow


I have a mosfet model which makes problems. It gives:

Fatal error: Behavioral source expression compiler stack overflow.
The problem occured while parsing the line:
EGS GS1 0 VALUE={1E12IF(V(GD0) > 0, FPAR11CGS_25_0_(V(GD0)), FPAR14*CGS_3RDQ_25_0_(-V(GD0)))}

I cannot see any problems. FPAR11,14 are calculated constants from other constants. Same with CGS_* constants.

Can anybody help on this? What can I do to resolve the issue?


Maybe you can try to change and simplify the name " FPAR11 CGS_25_0_" for example. I had problems with names longer than a few characters, and with special symbols. Try replacing with FP11C250 for example.

Thank you for your answer.
I changed the names, but did not help. But I found out it is related to this Table statement here:
.FUNC cgs_25_0_(VDS)={TABLE(VDS, 0, 0.1, many numbers comma seperated )}
If I reduce the numbers list, it works fine (at least the compile thing).
The statement is 2279 characters long.

Any ideas on this?

Update: I shortened the table manually, now it works. Is this a known limitation / bug?

Can you upload this model or where the link to download that?

I encountered the same issue with the model of a switch (TMUX7202) using large tables.
Apparently Qspice cannot take more that 255 elements.
I am currently using the March 6th release.

Here’s the model file with the some table elements commented, limiting the number of elements to 255: TMUX7202.txt (100.0 KB)
If you uncomment any of them you get the “stack overflow” message.

Can you easily increase the pointer limit to 1023 in the next release of Qspice?