Hi, can anyone explain me how to understand data that are give export data function in Qspice.
I identify frequency collum but for Gain and phase not et.
Hi, can anyone explain me how to understand data that are give export data function in Qspice.
I identify frequency collum but for Gain and phase not et.
refer to this post
Is there a problem with Export data? - QSPICE - Qorvo Tech Forum
Thanks for your help!
Code to inport csv with complex data and transform to dB and Degree into txt file.
close all;
clear all;
[csvfile csvpath] = uigetfile(‘*.csv’);
fid = fopen([csvpath csvfile]);
C = textscan(fid, ‘%s’, 1, ‘delimiter’, ‘’);
csv.headers = textscan(char(C{1}),‘%s’,‘delimiter’,‘,’);
csv.headers = csv.headers{1};
str = ‘%f’;
for n = 2: length(csv.headers)
str = [str,‘%f,%f’];
csv.rawdata = textscan(fid,str);
for n = 1: length(csv.headers)
if n == 1
csv.data{1} = csv.rawdata{1};
csv.data{n} = csv.rawdata{(n-1)2} + jcsv.rawdata{(n-1)*2+1};
% csv.headers and csv.data are pair for complex data format
idxx = 1; % idxx should always be 1 for frequency
idxy = 2; % user select which data to plot with idxy
% Extract frequency and complex data
freq = csv.data{1};
data = csv.data{2:3};
% Ensure frequency and data vectors are of the same length
min_length = min(length(freq), length(data));
freq = freq(1:min_length);
data = data(1:min_length);
% Check if data vectors are not empty
if isempty(freq) || isempty(data)
error(‘Data vectors are empty. Check the CSV file contents.’);
% Calculate gain in dB and phase in degrees
gain_dB = 20 * log10(abs(data));
phase_deg = unwrap(angle(data)) * 180 / pi;
% Plot dB and phase in degrees
semilogx(freq, gain_dB);
ylabel({csv.headers{idxy}, ’ (dB)'});
xlabel([csv.headers{idxx}, ’ (Hz)']);
title(['Qspice Export csv (complex format) : ', csvfile], ‘interpreter’, ‘none’);
semilogx(freq, phase_deg);
ylabel({csv.headers{idxy}, ’ (degree)'});
xlabel([csv.headers{idxx}, ’ (Hz)']);
% Save data to a text file
output_file = fullfile(csvpath, ‘frequency_gain_phase.txt’);
fileID = fopen(output_file, ‘w’);
if fileID == -1
error(‘Failed to create the file. Check the file path and permissions.’);
% Write headers and data to the text file
fprintf(fileID, ‘Frequency (Hz)\tGain (dB)\tPhase (Degrees)\n’); % Write headers
for i = 1:length(freq)
fprintf(fileID, ‘%f\t%f\t%f\n’, freq(i), gain_dB(i), phase_deg(i)); % Write data
disp(['Data has been saved to ', output_file]);