DWM3001CDK Multiple Tags and Battery Charging

1-) I am trying achieve a system that connects 4 anchors to multiple tags but in SDK you can target only 1 TAG, do i have to change the source code to achieve this or is there any other way.

2-) Does this board have a charging circuit for the battery? I see MDEK1001 has and don’t see any reason why this wouldn’t, in another site I saw it doesn’t have it but I just wanted to confirm and get your recommendation if it doesn’t have the circuit.

Hi @hsnbrky!

1-) What SDK version are you using? Please take a look at DW3_QM33_SDK_1.0.0, using the command line version you can set one-two-many on both responder and initiator, and set your tags (initiator) with multiple responder addresses. Using the UCI version you can try the Qorvo One GUI, and set responders and initiators with a Graphical Interface.

2-) I’m afraid the site you consulted is right, the DWM3001CDK Quick Start Guide includes its schematics and I didn’t see any charging circuit or mention.

Kind regards!

Regarding 2), we have a battery connector on the DWM3001CDK which you can use with many standard LiPo battery packs.
Edit: Sorry I just realized you asked about the charging circuit and unfortunately, we don’t have that.

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hi @carlos.silva @akash thanks for answering, from the GUI app I didn’t see how can we assign multiple initiators. There is only one-to-one and one-to-many no many-to-many.


FiRa sessions only support one-to-one (O2O) or one-to-many (O2M). In our GUI, we only support 1 session so you cannot do many-to-many.

You can experiment with many devices talking to many devices if you do many sessions of O2M using our UCI FW with our example python scripts inside of the SDK/Tools/uwb-qorvo-tools folder.

a bit random but can i not use the Qorvo One GUI with a DWM3001CDK independent of QM33 ???
and can you please guide me as to where to look for performing TDOA with DWM3001CDK