DWM3001CDK API flash

Hi everyone,

Recently bought 3 DWM3001CDK to develop my application and I am trying to get started with them.
I downloaded DWM3001CDK DK Software, Sources, Tools and Developer Guide and was able to flash the UCI firmware for. I run the Python script between two boards and got communication. Just to test them.
I understand that I have to start programming with the API (DW3xxx_Driver_API_Guide_6.0.14), but I am not sure if the unit has to be flashed with UCI or not.

  1. Is UCI flash correct to start programming with the API?
  2. I see FreeRTOS binaries (.hex) for CLI and UCI. Should I use any of these? What is FreeRTOS for?
  3. After having the unit flashed with the correct file what is the next step to start programming with the API?

I would appreciate somebody can answer me to be able to continue.

Thanks in advance,
