DWM3001C NFC Antenna

Does the DWM3001C include an NFC antenna, or is NFC only functional if you connect an external antenna? I can’t seem to find a definitive answer on this in the product documentation; if anyone can provide a reference, it would be much appreciated!

As you can see on page 5 of the DWM3001C datasheet, Pin P0.10 and P0.09 are dedicated to be used with an external NFC antenna. Although I can’t find it somewhere specifically, I’d say due to the 2 antennas being shown in the schematic above (2.4GHz BLE antenna on the left, UWB antenna on the right) you’d need to add another external antenna via those 2 ports to use NFC.

Kind regards

DWM3001C pin 4 and 5 expose the nRF52833 pins P0.09 and P0.10 on the module.
Refer to nRF52833 Datasheet page 206 for NFC antenna recommendation and tuning.

Best regards,