Dwm3000 reset_DWIC() does put the device in IDLE_RC

I am using a dwm3000 with stm32wb55rg. I have confirmed that I am able to read the device ID over SPI.

However, if I run reset_DWIC() as shown in the examples, the probe and any following api calls fail.

If I don’t run the reset and just run the probe and readdevid(), dwt_initialize, I don’t have any issues. However a dwt_config fails. If I place a dwt_checkidlerc() before the config, I get stuck in a loop indicating that the device never transitions from INIT_RC to IDLE_RC.


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Were you able to find out the reason/solution? Having the same problem here with DWM3000 and Nucleo-F429zi.

Hi @Jahnavi ,

Can I know the spi frequency which you are using to communicate with dwm3000 ? In idle rc, it is limited to 7MHz or lower. I usually use spi frequency as 2MHz to communicate with dwm3000 in this mode. Please check if it helps.

Best Regard,