DWM3000 and Nucleo-F446RE TX/RX

I am attempting to use the DWM3000 module shield and the Nucleo-F446RE boards to run example code found at the link at the bottom of this email. Specifically, I am trying to run ex_01a_simple_tx and ex_02a_simple_rx. Using the IDE for the nucleo board, the example code will not run. In the build file is the line:

arm-none-eabi-size “DW3000_API_CubeMX.bin”

Please let me know how I can get this code to run on the boards.

Thank you,
Matthew Hart


Hi @mhart0651 ,

The XR6.0C release is supporting STM Nucleo F429 board.
Did you do any porting to the Nucleo F446RE board? Especially the hardware GPIO pins connected to QM33/DW3K ?
Did you try the read_dev_id example and get a response from the uwb shield actually ?