DWM1004C - similar to BLE broadcaster / observer

Hello Ondrej

First to clarify: the concepts of broadcaster/observer that exist in BLE beacons do not directly apply to the UWB technology used by the DWM1004-ES kit. A “broadcaster” is more or less comparable to a RTLS “Tag” and an “observer” comparable to an"anchor", but they are not the same and operate in different ways.

Currently we only support the TDoA (Time Difference of Arrival) Tag application on the DWM1004-ES. This needs to be combined with 3 or more TDoA Anchors in order to locate the tags. We provide anchors a part of the TTK1000 TDoA toolkit, see the forum post about the TTK1000.

Since the TDoA Anchor software stack is complicated we advise customers new to UWB RTLS technology to start with the MDEK1001 Development Kit. This kit comes with 12 DWM1001-DEV devkits that can be configured as both tag and anchors in a TWR (To Way Ranging) based RTLS setup. This setup sounds somewhat like what you are describing.

Alternatively you might be interested in the TREK1000 evaluation kit / EVK1000 devkit. For this platform we offer different samples including TWR (To Way Ranging) allowing to measure the distance between 2 devkits. Note that we currently do not offer a complete RTLS system for this platform.

Could you clarify what you mean with

In my application, I can scan for available broadcasters and measure distance with them.

Do you want to measure the distance between “observers” (anchors) and “broadcasters” (tags) or do you also want to measure the distance between different “observers” (anchors)?

Seppe Stas