I am trying to figure out why my DWM1001C modules won’t connect with my RPi over UART. I created a custom board for the DWM1001C because it was impossible to get a DEV board where I live.
The custom board is however a very slimmed down version of the dev board schematic. I basically only have the DWM1001, the 2 caps on the VCC and then the RPi header. Instead of using the +5V on the RPi header like the DEV board does I’m using the 3V3 pin from the RPi directly to feed into the VCC of the DWM1001C (with the 2 decoupling caps). I also connected UART_RX to GPIO14 on the RPi and UART_TX to GPIO15.
Based on what I can see this should be the absolute minimum to get this to run with an RPi, as I don’t need the powersupply circuit (via USB, Bat or RPi 5V) nor the STM32.
Based on the documentation I have been trying the following things to get the UART connection established:
- use minicom on /dev/serial0 with baudrate 115200
- compile the tag_cfg example and run that having set it to use UART
- use a USB to serial adapter from adafruit to connect it to a windows PC and use Putty / Termite there to see if I can get a connection.
In all scenarios the DWM1001C stays silent. Does anyone have any ideas what I might be doing wrong? I have double checked my connections and also checked that VCC does get 3.3V
Any tips are much appreciated.