Hi, I have some DWM1001C (DWM1001-DEV) boards and some DWS1000 mounted on STM32 Nucelo-144 (NUCLEO-F439ZI).
For DWM1001-DEV development, I use SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM V7.12.
For DWS1000 development, I use STM32CubeIDE 1.12.0.
I got the Single-sided two-way ranging (SS TWR) working if I use either only DWM1001-DEV boards or only DWS1000 boards.
I want to combine them (the big boards as anchors, the small boards as tags).
I changed the channel number, the TX and RX preamble code and the RX_BUF_LEN that they are equal on both boards.
But the “ss_twr_init_int” on the DWM1001-DEV has just this output:
Singled Sided Two Way Ranging Initiator with Interrupt Example
Transmission # : 1
Transmission # : 10
Transmission Error : may receive package from different UWB device
Transmission # : 11
The error is because of SYS_STATUS_RXSFDTO (Receive SFD timeout).
Is it generally possible to combine these different boards?
Or do they have such big differences that it’s impossible?
Thank you!