DWM1001 Point to Point Ranging

Hello, I wanted to see if anyone had experience in setting up multiple DWM1001 devices for ranging as point to point rather than the four anchor minimum. I am looking to set up a minimum of two devices to only detect the range between the receivers, or two anchors and one tag. In this instance the exact location is unnecessary.

Hi @nick.johnson
the PANS firmware can also work this way. You can setup one anchor initiator ( + none or more anchors) and then the TN will return you distance to this anchors.


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Thank you for the response @leapslabs. Would one of the DWM1001 devices need to be set as a listener to get the distances? I have set up a network with one anchor as an initiator and a tag. The network does not seem to initiate and continues to fail on the auto-position attempt as well. Is there another way to set tags and anchors than the DRTLS apk? I have also not been able to set a device as a listener and the quick start and data sheet do not seem to mention setting devices.
Edit - It seems I am able to get location data when there are two anchors and one tag, but nothing displays when it is one tag and one anchor.

Hi @nick.johnson
you will get the ranges from TN only via SPI/UART/BT. The listener wont help here.

Regarding the DRTLS app, is app is designed only for RTSL demo (at least 3 anchors) and it is not supposed to be used with this use case. But you can still configure it via this app. Autopositionin is not mandatory to have it working. With one or two anchors there is nothing to be autopositioned…
