DWM1001 PANS Release 2

Hello kenneth,

Im not able discover(DRTLS manager app) the DWM1001 module after flashing “DWM1001_PANS_R2.0.hex”.

Am I missing any configuration ? I have tested with 3 different mobile phones. Same errorerr

The error in the app shows as follow:
.680: [FA:A0:BF:D2:F5:5F] problem while decoding Node statistics characteristic (0eb2bc59-baf1-4c1c-8535-8a0204c69de5), expecting multiplication of 8 bytes, remaining 60 instead, errorCode 10: GATT_REPRESENTATIONcom.decawave.argomanager.exception.GattCharacteristicDecodeException: problem while decoding Node statistics characteristic (0eb2bc59-baf1-4c1c-8535-8a0204c69de5), expecting multiplication of 8 bytes, remaining 60