DWM1000 arduino library with DWM3000

I wanted to build an indoor tracking system. Therefore i searched and i found out, that the DWM3000 has advantaged compared to the DWM1000. I bought them and soldered them onto breakout boards. But now it seems, that there isn’t an arduino library for the DWM3000, nevertheless qorvo has an official shield for the arduino :man_shrugging:. Is there a possibility to use an arduino library for the DWM1000 and use instead a DWM3000?.
Kind Regards,

At the low level the drivers are significantly different for the two parts and so not compatible.

Makerfabs have a DWM3000 library for the ESP32, basically the qorvo drivers with a wrapper added and the low level SPI interface changed to support ESP.

GitHub - K9714/DW3000: ArduinoUNO looks to be an attempt to port drivers to the Arduino Uno.

If neither of them work then I would have thought taking the makerfabs library and changing the SPI calls to using arduino standard formats would be the shortest route to a working system but I’ve not looked into the details to see how hard that would be.

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Thanks for the library. Unfortunately i couldnt get the library to work, i also rechecked the connections.

So i bought 2 esp32 and tested it with the makerfabs library, and everything worked perfectly. The question now is, would it be hard to change the mmakerfabs, so that it would work for all arduinos?

In their library somewhere there will be the functions to read and write to the SPI bus and control the chip select, reset and interrupt pins.
You would need to ensure all of that code is using generic Arduino calls and the correct SPI pines etc. rather than ones that only work on the ESP32. Assuming they maintained the decawave driver structure this should all be isolated to one or two files.

And then build it and see what other errors you get. Since they are based on the decawave code the bulk of the driver should be generic c but some of their examples or the wrapper they added to make it more user friendly may require some changes.

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