DW3xxx_XR6.0C_24Feb2022 dw_drivers requirements

Hi, I’m trying to port the DW3xxx_XR6.0C_24Feb2022 release to Zephyr. It seems the library needs a symbol dw_drivers to be defined, can you explain how this is supposed to be set up?

Hi br1,

you’re right, __dw_drivers_start and __dw_drivers_end must be defined properly in your linker and then you can call the probe function in order to use the right driver .

. = ALIGN(4);
dw_drivers_load_start = .;
dw_drivers_start = .;
__dw_drivers_start = dw_drivers_start;
KEEP((.dw_drivers .dw_drivers.))
. = ALIGN(4);

dw_drivers_end = dw_drivers_start + SIZEOF(.dw_drivers);
dw_drivers_size = SIZEOF(.dw_drivers);
__dw_drivers_end = dw_drivers_end;
dw_drivers_load_end = dw_drivers_end;


Hi, thank you for the answer. This script needed some fixup to be working with Nordic Connect SDK and it seems it is not sufficient. Please check out our current WIP at

Especially, this seems to be necessary:

It’s a bit strange for a library to require a custom linker script. Could you help us to make it work on Zephyr/Nordic Connect SDK?

Hi, I don’t work with a Nordic Microcontroller or cmake but have you tried to link the whole archive with the linker flags “-Wl,–whole-archive -ldwt_uwb_driver-m4-hfp-6.0.7 -Wl,–no-whole-archive”?

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Hi @br1 ,

If you’ve modified your linker, I don’t think you need the following code, but I didn’t see the dwt_probe function in you code, you have to call this function after your dw3000_init() in order to select properly the driver.

#if 0
struct dwt_driver_s __dw_drivers_start[3] attribute((section(".dw_drivers")));
struct dwt_driver_s *__dw_drivers_end attribute((section(".dw_drivers")));
extern struct dwt_driver_s *dw3000_driver;
extern struct dwt_driver_s *dw3700_driver;
extern struct dwt_driver_s *dw3720_driver;


#if 1
/* Access library symbols (perhaps removed by optimizing compiler?) */
uint32_t fee = &dw3000_driver;
printk(“foo 0x%x\n”, fee);
uint32_t fie = &dw3700_driver;
printk(“foo 0x%x\n”, fie);
uint32_t foe = &dw3720_driver;
printk(“foo 0x%x\n”, foe);
memcpy(&__dw_drivers_start[0], &dw3000_driver, sizeof(struct dwt_driver_s));
memcpy(&__dw_drivers_start[1], &dw3700_driver, sizeof(struct dwt_driver_s));
memcpy(&__dw_drivers_start[2], &dw3720_driver, sizeof(struct dwt_driver_s));
__dw_drivers_end = &__dw_drivers_start[0] + 3;


Hello @Celine,

You are correct. The above code is not needed when using the custom linker script:

. = ALIGN(4);
dw_drivers_load_start = .;
dw_drivers_start = .;
__dw_drivers_start = dw_drivers_start;
KEEP(*(.dw_drivers .dw_drivers.))
. = ALIGN(4);

dw_drivers_end = dw_drivers_start + SIZEOF(.dw_drivers);
dw_drivers_size = SIZEOF(.dw_drivers);
__dw_drivers_end = dw_drivers_end;
dw_drivers_load_end = dw_drivers_end;

together with the linker flags suggested by @tobias
The code existed before the custom linker script requirement was known
BTW, is it possible to expose a library API so the custom linker script is not required?

The dwt_probe() call is made in an application example after dw3000_init().

Another issue is a crash on ex_02g_simple_rx_sts_sdc example if -O2, … are used (default is -O0). The crash occurs in standard DW3xxx_XR6.0C_24Feb2022 release
under nRF52 SDK (it is not a Zephyr issue). It may possibly be caused by write to stack
argument in library function using wrong length (e.g. writing *int instead of *short).


Hi Carl,

is it possible to expose a library API so the custom linker script is not required?
No, for the moment we don’t want to expose API, so the linker modification is required


Don’t you think there would be another solution which does not modify the API but would get rid of the custom linker script?

May I add here that the whole-archive linker flag forces us to load the whole library to flash, also functions we might not use, and which would otherwise get optimized out, for example the 24KB big dwt_ioctl() function. That wastes a lot of space in a memory constrained environment (like nRF52 chips).

Also, what’s the use of the probe function? To go thru the array of drivers (dw3000_driver, dw3700_driver and dw3720_driver) and select one that matches the HW DEVID, right? That could be done easily internally in the library without imposing special linker requirements! Or even easier, it would be totally acceptable for the library user to specify the chip present in an initialization (or probe) function.

Honestly, this is the worst library I was ever forced to link to.

Especially since you chose to make this a closed source library, you’d have to provide a certain product quality and think more about your users and design a proper API without needlessly imposing restrictions.

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Hi @br1 ,

Which optimization option are you using? With -O3 you should be able to remove unused functions

Sorry for your disappointment, I take your point and will pass it on to the team . This mechanism is also done to allow the switch between shielded chips for example


What would be even better would be if the drivers were open source like they used to be and the user manual for the chip actually included everything you need to know in order to use it.

Right now the only reason I’m looking at the DW3000 is because I’m already using the DW1000.

As far as I understand the -03 optimization flag applies to the compiler, not the linker. --whole-archive forces the linker to link the whole archive, not optimizing out unused symbols. There may be reasons to do that, but I do not think that this is necessary in this case and that its bad library design. Of course having an open source library like it was in Decawaves times would be the best option.

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Hi there, i am facing this same issue, but without any success. i have started a simple zephyr project, and the probe function keep failed, although the qm device response correctly on the spi bus (0xdeca0314). i belive the reason is that the .a file does not loaded fully. i tried for the last 3 days lots of combinations - nothing works.
some examples:
set(DWTLIBNAME libdwt_uwb_driver-m4-hfp-6.0.14.a)
set(DWTLIBDIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/dwt_uwb_driver/lib)

this compiles:

#find_library(LIBDWT dwt_uwb_driver-m4-hfp-6.0.14 src/dwt_uwb_driver/lib)
#target_link_libraries(app PUBLIC ${LIBDWT})

compiled, not working

#target_link_options(app PRIVATE
#-Wl,–whole-archive ${DWTLIBDIR}/${DWTLIBNAME} -Wl,–no-whole-archive)

this we try, it do nothing (compile failed)

#zephyr_library_import(dwtlib ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/dwt_uwb_driver/lib/${DWTLIBNAME})

try, compile, but do nothing

add_library(other3party_lib STATIC IMPORTED GLOBAL)
set_target_properties(other3party_lib PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${DWTLIBDIR}/${DWTLIBNAME})
-Wl,–whole-archive ${DWTLIBDIR}/${DWTLIBNAME} -Wl,–no-whole-archive
target_link_libraries(app PUBLIC other3party_lib)

could you please guide me - what am i missing?

thanks, Yair

Do you have the special linker script?

See https://github.com/br101/zephyr-dw3000-decadriver/blob/master/zephyr/dwt_uwb_driver/custom-sections.ld


Thanks for your reply. I did look at that source, but for some reason the compilation failed with

undefined reference to `dwt_probe’

but if i am using with:

find_library(LIBDWT dwt_uwb_driver-m4-hfp-6.0.14 src/dwt_uwb_driver/lib)
target_link_libraries(app PUBLIC ${LIBDWT})
zephyr_linker_sources(SECTIONS custom-sections.ld)

it compiles, and even run the “dwt_probe()” function, and it does it good- i know becaus i have checked the spi response from the uwb chip, and it reply with a correct id, but the function return with DWT_ERROR

Moreover - i have searched in the compiled file from Qorvo - “nRF52840DK-DW3_QM33_SDK_CLI-FreeRTOS_0_1_1.hex” for “1403CADE” and i have found it there, but not in the hex i have compiled. It all point to that the symbols do not load correctly, and the zephyr_library_import(…) also does not help.

p.s. - what does the meaning of the 1st argument in zephyr_library_import(…)?

thanks, Yair.