Does the PANS support windows+eclipse?

in the ubuntu ,the project is ok

but when I buid the project in windows by eclipse ,It is cannot build successful

any one have the windows environment project?


Hi Victor,

It is possible to port PANS to windows, but it is not straightfoward so I would recommend to use the unix environment in order to ease your work.

If not possible, below are a few steps which should help you to get Eclipse to compile and debug PANS under windows:

  1. You have to add some MCU development abilities to Eclipse, such as the ARM cross GCC toolchain or the AC6 STM32 MCU GCC tool chain. They are plugins that allows eclipse to compile for ARM based mcu. I’ve used STworkbench because it was already on my machine, you can download it there :

  2. Once installed, do : project -> properties -> c/c++ build -> Tool chain editor -> current chain tool -> Ac6 STM32 MCU GCC

  3. do : project -> properties -> c/c++ build -> Tool chain editor -> settings-> create PATH
    Path = AC6_path\tools\compiler\bin;AC6_path\make;\AC6_path\resources\project_importer\windows

The steps above should enable compilation

  1. Need to configure open ocd for eclipse.You may have to download “GNU MCU Eclipse 4.3.2” plugin

  2. debug configurations -> GDB open ocd debugging -> configuration can be copied from the UNIX one.
    I’ve had issues with to get openocd to see my Jlink device under windows.
    I’ve had to use Zadig to overwrite USB drivers while it is not recommended. See
    That’s another reason why I would suggest you to stick with unix for development.

I hope it will help you to get started on windows. If anyone has a different workout, please share it !


I know this is a bit late, but the answer is “kinda yes”.

I’m a Windows/eclipse afficionado. I don’t want to use the VirtualBox/Linux approach because I need closer integration with earlier work.

I have managed to get the build side of things to work OK using the same toolchain I have used for years for nRF51/nRF52 work. Nothing tricky. Now I want to use OpenOCD but I’m having the problems described above. Using Zadig I (stupidly, yet easily) managed to comprehensively wreck my USB driver configs taking a day to recover. I also can’t seem to find OpenOCD configs that work for the 1001-DEV outside Linux. Clearly this cannot be rocket science, and I’m just turning over the wrong rocks.

Has anyone succeeded and can give me the secret sauce please?