Device model building tools mosfet.exe jfet.exe diode.exe

I just discovered there are some fantastic new tools in the Qspice installation directory for building device models based on datasheets!

  • mosfet.exe
  • jfet.exe
  • diode.exe

Anybody evaluated them yet?

IMO tools like that are very valuable indeed, because manufacturer models can be missing, can be problematic, or can be just wrong (all 3 occur).

Two questions for Mike @Engelhardt

  • Hopefully bjt.exe is in the making? (Gummel Poon seems sufficient)
  • Could a temperature parameter be supported in future?
    I mean a parameter to change the individual temperature of the device afterwards, perhaps within the tool itself so it would create variations of the model, or even better as an attribute, so a single model would cover all temperatures.

I would prefer a transistor model bipolar transistor MEXTRAM 504.12.

I would expect that may be to difficult to fit using limited data. A simple model can use simple data. If you ask me it’s more important that the required input parameters are meaningful, like beta and fT.

I tried jfet.exe, it’s OK, but unfortunately it requires Id vs Vds plots which seem to be available only for old parts. Nowadays usually Id vs Vgs is plotted instead.