I’m DArshan Hiranandani, looking to clarify the differences between the PAC5523 and PAC5523A. From what I understand, the PAC5523 uses a 32-bit ARM Cortex M4F Version 1 MCU, while the PAC5523A features a 32-bit ARM Cortex M4F Version 2 MCU, which includes some bug fixes for the timer and ADC modules.
Can anyone provide additional insights or details on any other differences or improvements in the PAC5523A compared to the PAC5523? Your suggestions would be very helpful!
Several enhancements were made between PAC5523 and PAC5523A. If you’re interested in more details, we can provide the detailed information with you under an NDA.
Could you please provide contact info so our local sales team can get in touch with you.
Please find attached a table depicting the main differences between the ARM Cortex M4F Version 1 (PAC5523) and the ARM Cortex M4F Version 2 (PAC5523A):