Console warning slowing down simulations

Hi everyone,

I’m currently facing an issue and could use some help.

I’m trying to import a model from LTSpice into QSpice. I copied the netlist of the model and pasted it into QSpice using Ctrl+Shift+V. The model uses table function within a table functio to do 2D interpolation, which works perfectly in LTSpice. However, in QSpice, I receive a warning in the console: “The table function works best with constant values in the table.” Following the warning, the entire netlist is output into the console. Although the simulation eventually runs fine, it takes over 2 minutes to complete because the whole netlist is output to the console. Once the netlist finishes outputting, the simulation itself only takes about 10 seconds to run.

Is there any way to disable these console warnings to speed up the simulation?

Thank you in advance for your help!

There is a way. Not to do what you did. Just refer to the file. You don’t have to call the printout on the output.

Hi Bordodynov,

Could you expand a bit when you mean “just refer to the file”. Calling the simulation from the netlist directly also gives you the console output

It looks like maybe the developer saw this and made a quick fix.
QSpice wanted to update itself today, and there are two items in the Revision History

08/22/2024 Implemented an options "MAXWARNINGS" to limit the number of warnings printed on the console.
08/22/2024 Lengthly lookup tables are no longer printed on the console in entirety if the invoke a warning.
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