Configure 30 anchors and 10 tags


I am working on getting position of some assets in real time . As there are lot of obstructions calculated anchors is around 30 . How can I configure the system with so many anchors , is it just normal process of assigning Co ordinates to each anchor via the android application or should I follow any special procedure by forming cluster .

Are the super frame restrictions applicable to just tags or anchors as well

Please read the docs. Yes you can use the Android App or API via shell/uart to configure the anchor coordinates. Scaling rules as described in the docs apply to both anchors and tags.

Hi Zoran,

Thanks for the reply .

I am using MDEK 1001 and PANS stack , as the beacon slots are maximum from BCN 0-15 , we have to ensure that 17 th anchor taking seat number 0 should not have contact with other anchors .

In the DWM1001 system overview doc its mentioned to make the network either as start topology or line topology , however I couldnt find instruction on how to do it .

Following questions are arising -

  1. How to make MDEK1001 transciever as bridge node ? ( Does changing configuration to PASSIVE and ANCHOR does the trick ? )
  2. In the DWM1001 doc , there is mention of mesh and line topology , I couldnt find the instructions on how to do this configuration using app. Can you please help
  3. Assuming I add 17 th anchor , what are the constraints I have to ensure so that seat numbers dont have collission . I have attached map for reference on how the anchors will be placed . There are brick and metallic walls which is the reason why we need to place so many anchors and area is also huge ( 50,000 sqft)
  4. Assuming the above configuration of anchors , what should be the configuration changes to anchors , is there any detailed document on how to do it with MDEK1001 ?
  1. How to make MDEK1001 transciever as bridge node ? ( Does changing configuration to PASSIVE and ANCHOR does the trick ? )

-No you need new FW (e.g. Release 2)

  1. In the DWM1001 doc , there is mention of mesh and line topology , I couldnt find the instructions on how to do this configuration using app. Can you please help
  • These features are not supported in Release 1, again you will need updated FW.
  1. Assuming I add 17 th anchor , what are the constraints I have to ensure so that seat numbers dont have collission . I have attached map for reference on how the anchors will be placed . There are brick and metallic walls which is the reason why we need to place so many anchors and area is also huge ( 50,000 sqft)
  • you can keep adding extra anchors, and the seats will be reused automatically, but you cannot have any anchor hearing two anchors with same seat. E.g. In your attached image, you need to make sure that anchors in the bottom row, cannot be heard by anchors in row 3 or 4… if they are then the anchors are placed too close and you cannot reuse seat numbers.

Hi Zoran,

  1. As far as I am aware , we cant change the seat number , If we don’t have the option of setting up the seat position manually for anchors with PANS , How can we enforce that one anchor is not hearing from 2 anchors with same seat number .

  2. If I power on the anchor one by one , will the system take on the seat number based on the order we power the device .

  3. As mentioned in the attached image , I am planning to isolate the left and right section with one initiator on the either side . Should I isolate the devices into 2 seperate networks( based on the left / right section ) while discovering the devices or add all the devices into single network while configuring with android app.

4… What is the role of different networks which are configured through the APP ? Is it designed for logical isolation or is there any specific purpose for it .

  1. What is the role/ functionality of PASSIVE ANCHOR in Release 1 of firmware .
  1. you are correct, the assignment is automatic. you need to ensure the anchors are far enough apart.

  2. yes, the anchors initially listen, check for available slots and then request them. If two or more are looking to join at the same time there might be conflicts, but if one by one, then there should be no conflict (e.g. two asking for the same set). Even if there are conflicts, they will be resolved by the system, the conflicting anchors will leave and rejoin with a different backoff time.

  3. you cannot isolate networks, if networks are within one network will propagate to other anchors. How were you thinking of isolating them? One initiator will be the main one, the other will turn into a normal anchor.

  4. networks on the app can group devices into “networks” but in reality all of the devices are in the same network, and tags can range to devices across networks. and another app can just assign anchors to a different network, Release 2 will have better co-existence and network separation.

  5. passive anchor will just listen on UWB but will not be involved in ranging

Hi Zoran,

First of all , thank you for all the responses . Really appreciate it :).
I Just want understand concept and possibilities before taking a big project , hence all the questions .

  1. For isolation of network , Assuming i am putting 4 anchors each in 1st and 3rd floor and none of the anchor can receive signals from anchor present in other floor . If I assign an initiator for each of the floor , seat number will be 0 -3 for the first floor and 0-3 for the third floor . ( Hope my assumption is rite ) .

  2. If I use only one initiator ( first floor ) in the above case , how can the anchors in third floor take up the seat as there is no communication between anchors in first floor

  3. Is there any role of the app in taking the slot ?

Other questions-

A. what are the cases where we need to use more than one initiator

B. Is it required to have one initiator for every 16 anchors for time sync or 1 initiator will suffice immaterial of any number of anchors ?

  1. yes

  2. if only 1 initiator and 3rd floor can’t hear 1st floor anchors, then you need another anchor in between (e.g. floor 2), or another initiator on floor 3.

  3. No

A. if more anchors are configured as initiators, only one will have that role, but if it stops working then another will take the role of initiator. In a stable working network, the initiator will not change, only 1 is needed for 1 network.

B. No. A single initiator for 1 network, anchors will keep joining as long as clock level is < 127: initiator is level 0, all anchors that are in direct contact with it are level 1, then next ones are level 2 etc…

Thanks Zoran , your answers were really helpful :slight_smile: