Compiling/Debugging C-Block Components With MSVS

My biggest frustrations when developing C-Block components are:

  • Modern C++ support. The QSpice DMC compiler supports C++98. I want C++17 or better.
  • Debugging. Display()/printf() is so 1970’s. I need a proper debugger.

The Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition is free and includes full debugging for DLL components. Problem solved.

I’ve added a step-by-step guide to set up a MSVS DLL project on the dev branch of my GitHub repository. Please check it out and let me know of any issues with the instructions.

And, if you’re a Visual Studio guru, please see if you can provide a solution for creating a build dependency/build instruction for the “netlist thing” described in the document. I’m sure that it can be done…



I’ve come up with a solution for the “netlist thing,” i.e., to automatically generate/refresh the *.cir file(s) whenever starting a debugging session.

The updated PDF guide and a new batch file are available on the dev branch of my GitHub QSpice repository.

If you try it, please let me know how it goes. Without your feedback – both positive and negative – I won’t know when it’s ready to promote to the main branch. TIA.
