Channel Impulse Response Interpretation

I used the following code to capture CIRs, (found here in the forum)

/// store magnitudes in float array CIRValues
bool readDW3000CIRData(int32_t *realvalues, int32_t *imgvalues ,int len, int offset) {

// DW3000 is 3 byte I, 3 byte Q (18 bits per value) with a 1 byte blank at the start. 
// DW1000 is 2 byte I, 2 byte Q with a 1 byte blank at the start. 
//	Max of 992 or 1016 points (16/64 prf)

if ((len + offset)>1016)
    len = 1016-offset;
if (len <1) 
    return false;

const int bytesPerValue = 6; // dw3000

uint8_t cir_buffer[1016*bytesPerValue+1]; // worst case

dwt_readaccdata(cir_buffer, len*bytesPerValue+1, offset);
int byteAddress = 1;
for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
    int32_t iValue = cir_buffer[byteAddress++];
    iValue |= ((int32_t)cir_buffer[byteAddress++]<<8);
    iValue |= ((int32_t)(cir_buffer[byteAddress++] & 0x03)<<16);

    int32_t qValue = cir_buffer[byteAddress++];
    qValue |= ((int32_t)cir_buffer[byteAddress++]<<8);         
    qValue |= ((int32_t)(cir_buffer[byteAddress++] & 0x03)<<16);

    if (iValue & 0x020000)  // MSB of 18 bit value is 1
        iValue |= 0xfffc0000;
    if (qValue & 0x020000)  // MSB of 18 bit value is 1
        qValue |= 0xfffc0000;

return true;	


void printCIR() {
int CIR_length = 900; // Number of complex CIR samples we want to read
int32_t realSample[CIR_length];
int32_t imagSample[CIR_length];

char tmp[16];
int len;
reporter_instance.print(“\nCIR_real_values = [”, 20);
len = snprintf(tmp,16, “%ld”, (realSample[0]));
reporter_instance.print(tmp, len);
for (int i = 1; i < CIR_length; i++) {
len = snprintf(tmp,16, " %ld", (realSample[i]));
reporter_instance.print(tmp, len);
reporter_instance.print(“]\n”, 2);

reporter_instance.print(“\nCIR_imag_values = [”, 20);
len = snprintf(tmp,16, “%ld”, (imagSample[0]));
reporter_instance.print(tmp, len);
for (int i = 1; i < CIR_length; i++) {
len = snprintf(tmp,16, " %ld", (imagSample[i]));
reporter_instance.print(tmp, len);
reporter_instance.print(“]\n”, 2);


/* @brief ISR layer

  •         TWR application Rx callback
  •         to be called from dwt_isr() as an Rx call-back


static void mcps_rx_cb(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
#define MAX_MSG 2
#define MAX_MSG_LEN 128
static uint8_t message[MAX_MSG][MAX_MSG_LEN];
static dwt_mcps_rx_t rx[MAX_MSG];
static int idx = 0;

struct dwchip_s *dw = rxd->dw;
const struct dwt_mcps_ops_s *mcps_ops = dw->dwt_driver->dwt_mcps_ops;
struct dwt_mcps_runtime_s *rt = dw->mcps_runtime;

struct dwt_mcps_rx_s *pRx = &rx[idx];
uint64_t ts, timebase64;

pRx->rtcTimeStamp = Rtc.getTimestamp();

/* RX TS in RCTU of local timebase */
ts = mcps_ops->get_timestamp(dw);

/* convert local timebase in RCTU */
timebase64 = timestamp_dtu_to_rctu(dw->llhw, get_timebase_dtu(dw));

pRx->timeStamp = (ts + timebase64 + rt->corr_4ns) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFULL;

pRx->flags = 0;

if (rxd->datalength)
    pRx->len = MIN(rxd->datalength, MAX_MSG_LEN);
    pRx->data = (uint8_t *)&message[idx];
    struct dwt_rw_data_s rd = {(uint8_t *)pRx->data, pRx->len, 0};
    mcps_ops->ioctl(dw, DWT_READRXDATA, 0, (void *)&rd);

    int16_t cfo;
    mcps_ops->ioctl(dw, DWT_READCLOCKOFFSET, 0, (void *)&cfo);

    pRx->cfo = cfo;
    /*Below Xtal trimming can be executed in the upper layer: rx[idx].cfo*/
    int cfo_ppm = (int)((float)cfo * (CLOCK_OFFSET_PPM_TO_RATIO * 1e6 * 100));
    dw->mcps_runtime->diag.cfo_ppm = cfo_ppm;

    // most likely an SP3 packet --> no data
    pRx->len = 0;
    pRx->data = NULL;
    pRx->flags |= DW3000_RX_FLAG_ND;

dw->rx = pRx;

#if 0
if (data->rx_flags & DW3000_CB_DATA_RX_FLAG_AAT)
rx->flags |= DW3000_RX_FLAG_AACK;

idx = (idx == MAX_MSG - 1) ? 0 : idx + 1;
if (osSignalSet(mcpsTask.Handle, MCPS_TASK_RX) == 0x80000000)
    error_handler(1, _ERR_Signal_Bad);

Once the CIRs captured, I obtained the following result for a given CIR,

I would like to know why there is a significant magnitude spike around the sample index 780 and not before, I would like to know what represent the magnitudes before the spike.

Also the attached figure shows somehow that I am not capturing everything, there are some signals neglected. After the first spike, there are other spikes that represent reflected signals which I am interested in as well, how can I capture those as well ?

Thank you for your help in advance.


Usually, the interesting part of the CIR starts around sample #740. The samples before are not so useful for CIR interpretation, from what I understood, they represent accumulated noise to get correct CIR. So zoom a few samples before the first spike and display a 100 or 200 samples, you should get a nice looking CIR.

Why does the meaningful data start at around 740? Because that’s where it starts.
A sort of logical reason (or at least a logical guess) why has been posted before.

The magnitude of the spikes represent the post correlation power at that time, they are not to any specific scale.

After the first spike, there are other spikes that represent reflected signals which I am interested in as well, how can I capture those as well ?

You just did capture them, that’s why you can see them. As you indicate, they are reflections. Based on their timing relative to the leading edge you can make a rough guess as to how much longer the reflection path is than the direct path.

Generally the CIR is only of use in two situations.

  1. non line of sight where you may want to try to look for a heavily attenuated first pulse that is the true direct path but which was too attenuated to be picked up by the detector.
  2. Large indoor reflective environments where long reflection paths can give a false early detect resulting in a shorter than truth distance. This will normally show up as a smaller spike significantly before the 740 index.

You can get data about managing UWB in reflective environment on the Application Note APS006 (the 3 parts) from Application Notes - Qorvo. These Apps Notes are for DW1000 chips, but talking CIR, NLOS, the theory behind also applies to DW3xxx chips.

Thanks everyone for the clarifications.