Chan non-linear magnetics

I like the ease with which non-linearity can be defined for inductors and transformers in QSPICE compared to LTspice. Are there any plans to add a non-linear hysteretic core model (e.g., John Chan et la. in IEEE Transactions On Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 10. No. 4, April 1991), or some others means to add hysteresis?


I’m interested in adding hysteresis to my circuits in hopes I can approximate the measurements I’m getting in my circuits (using actual transformers). Do you know of any easy way to extract the hysteresis characteristics from your transformers and inductors?

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I would try setting up a B-H curve rig using an amp and soundcard, and importing the wav files into LTspice. The Python utility for Qspice can import wav files I hear, but having a working installation of python is a difficulty in itself.

Can you point me to any documents (or YouTube videos) that show this process? I don’t even know where to start.

Oops, I got confused about which thread I was in. The LTspice is a great place to find the information you’re looking for. In the files there are B-H loop examples.