I am debugging a symbol that accepts parameters. Is there a way that I can view the values of the calculated parameters so I can check my calculations I used in the parameters?
For instance, using these parameters (below), can I see the value used for Lx to verify that I’ve entered the correct equations in my parameters?
Using your suggestion, I get the Post Process results showing:
.meas l_x lx:
5.20833e-10 1.99988e-08
The lx value is correct (as expected). What is the second number?
The .option listparam shows the expected parameter values in the simulation tab and then stops (no post processing or waveform display). It gives me the calculated values that I want. Is it supposed to skip the simulation?
This simple test is fine. From what you describe, it seems like either you made a mistake in the schematic, or your schematic can trigger a bug in Qspice.
Exploring the problem, I found that a more complicated circuit causes .option listparam to skip the simulation. I’ve attached an example that shows the problem. If you delete M3 (or some larger quantity of other components), the simulation will run as expected. I sent an example to Mike.