C-Block Trunc function

Hi Mike,

can you please explain how the trunc function works and how it is called by QSPICE, so I can understand the mechanism better?

I’m trying to build a pwm block that works pretty much like it would in an microcontroller, i.e. ramps and compare values. to get precise edges while not enforcing a continuous small timestep, I’m using the trunc function. this works quite well but in some cases an out port doesn’t reflect the internal value (checked with printf) and I don’t get why.

It let’s you give a temporal tolerance in addition to the normal volt, current, and charge tolerances. Study the example “PracticalSMPS.qsch” It’s there to illustrate its use.


ah … yes … learning by reverse engineering. I love spending hours trying to understand something that could be explained with a view lines of text or a diagram. Also I’m not asking about how to use it, but how it is working, so I may have a better chance for debugging what is not working.

But ok, I try myself :

// Automatically generated C++ file on Thu Aug 17 23:16:22 2023
// To build with Digital Mars C++ Compiler:
//    dmc -mn -WD ctest_x1.cpp kernel32.lib

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>

union uData
   bool b;
   char c;
   unsigned char uc;
   short s;
   unsigned short us;
   int i;
   unsigned int ui;
   float f;
   double d;
   long long int i64;
   unsigned long long int ui64;
   char *str;
   unsigned char *bytes;

// int DllMain() must exist and return 1 for a process to load the .DLL
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/dlls/dllmain for more information.
int __stdcall DllMain(void *module, unsigned int reason, void *reserved) { return 1; }

void display(const char *fmt, ...)
{ // for diagnostic print statements
   va_list args = { 0 };
   va_start(args, fmt);
   vprintf(fmt, args);

void bzero(void *ptr, unsigned int count)
   unsigned char *first = (unsigned char *) ptr;
   unsigned char *last  = first + count;
   while(first < last)
      *first++ = '\0';
   display("[sample time + count]\n");

// #undef pin names lest they collide with names in any header file(s) you might include.
#undef in
#undef out

struct sCTEST_X1
  // declare the structure here
   bool state;
   bool trunc;
   int n_pwm;
   int n;

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void ctest_x1(struct sCTEST_X1 **opaque, double t, union uData *data)
   double &out = data[0].d; // output
   double &dbg = data[1].d; // output

      *opaque = (struct sCTEST_X1 *) malloc(sizeof(struct sCTEST_X1));
      bzero(*opaque, sizeof(struct sCTEST_X1));
   struct sCTEST_X1 *inst = *opaque;

// Implement module evaluation code here:
   static int n = 0;
   static int nt = 0;

   bool toggle = false;
   double T = 10e-6;
   double tpwm = t - inst->n_pwm *  T;

   dbg = tpwm;

   // sample point counter
   if (t > 0) inst->n++; // don't count t=0 steps

   if (inst->trunc) {
      nt++; // call counter called from trunc
      display("\t\t\t\t%4u\t\t\tmain called from Trunc  (n=%u)\n", inst->n, nt);
   else {
      n++; // call counter called from ?
      display("%8.3fns\t%4u\t\tmain called from Qspice?  (n=%u)\n", t*1e9, inst->n, n);
      display("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t=> outputs determined for t=%8.3fns\n", t*1e9);

   // set high
   if (!out && tpwm > 0.5*T) {
      out = true;
      toggle = true;
      if (inst->trunc) display("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tout is LOW, but would be HIGH next step\n");
      else display("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tout is HIGH\n");

   // set low
   if (tpwm >= T) {
      out = false;
      toggle = true;
      if (inst->trunc) display("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tout is HIGH, but would be LOW next step\n");
      else display("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tout is LOW\n");

   inst->state ^= toggle;

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) double MaxExtStepSize(struct sCTEST_X1 *inst)
   static int sn = 0;
   display("\n\t\t\t\t%4u\t\tMaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?\n", inst->n);
   display("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=%u)\n", sn);
   return 1e-6; // implement a good choice of max timestep size that depends on struct sCTEST_X1

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void Trunc(struct sCTEST_X1 *inst, double t, union uData *data, double *timestep)
{ // limit the timestep to a tolerance if the circuit causes a change in struct sCTEST_X1
   const double ttol = 10e-9;

   static int n = 0; // call counter
   display("%8.3fns\t%4u\t\tTrunc called from Qspice?  (n=%u)\n", t*1e9, inst->n, n);

   if(*timestep > ttol) // *timestep seems to be always inf.
      double &out = data[0].d; // output
      double &dbg = data[1].d; // output

      // Save output vector
      const double _out = out;
      const double _dbg = dbg;

      struct sCTEST_X1 tmp = *inst;
      tmp.trunc = true; // to signal it was called from trunc
      ctest_x1(&(&tmp), t, data);

      if(tmp.state != inst->state) {
         *timestep = ttol;
         display("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttrunc: STATE CHANGE DETECTED, next timestep=%.1fns. Outputs restored.\n", (*timestep)*1e9);
      else {
         display("\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttrunc: no state change detected, next timestep=%.1fns. Outputs restored.\n", (*timestep)*1e9);

      // Restore output vector
      out = _out;
      dbg = _dbg;
   else {
      display("*timestep <= ttol");

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void Destroy(struct sCTEST_X1 *inst)

Waveform looks like this:

Output: (excerpt)
[sample time + count]
   0.000ns	   0		main called from Qspice?  (n=1)
							=> outputs determined for t=   0.000ns
   0.000ns	   0		main called from Qspice?  (n=2)
							=> outputs determined for t=   0.000ns
   0.000ns	   0		main called from Qspice?  (n=3)
							=> outputs determined for t=   0.000ns
   0.000ns	   0		main called from Qspice?  (n=4)
							=> outputs determined for t=   0.000ns
   0.000ns	   0		main called from Qspice?  (n=5)
							=> outputs determined for t=   0.000ns
   0.000ns	   0		main called from Qspice?  (n=6)
							=> outputs determined for t=   0.000ns

 			   0		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=1)
1000.000ns	   1		main called from Qspice?  (n=7)
							=> outputs determined for t=1000.000ns

 			   1		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=2)
2000.000ns	   1		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=1)
 			   2			main called from Trunc  (n=1)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
2000.000ns	   1		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=2)
 			   2			main called from Trunc  (n=2)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
2000.000ns	   2		main called from Qspice?  (n=8)
							=> outputs determined for t=2000.000ns

 			   2		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=3)
3000.000ns	   2		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=3)
 			   3			main called from Trunc  (n=3)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
3000.000ns	   2		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=4)
 			   3			main called from Trunc  (n=4)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
3000.000ns	   3		main called from Qspice?  (n=9)
							=> outputs determined for t=3000.000ns

 			   3		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=4)
4000.000ns	   3		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=5)
 			   4			main called from Trunc  (n=5)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
4000.000ns	   3		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=6)
 			   4			main called from Trunc  (n=6)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
4000.000ns	   4		main called from Qspice?  (n=10)
							=> outputs determined for t=4000.000ns

 			   4		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=5)
5000.000ns	   4		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=7)
 			   5			main called from Trunc  (n=7)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
5000.000ns	   5		main called from Qspice?  (n=11)
							=> outputs determined for t=5000.000ns

 			   5		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=6)
6000.000ns	   5		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=8)
 			   6			main called from Trunc  (n=8)
							out is LOW, but would be HIGH next step
 							trunc: STATE CHANGE DETECTED, next timestep=10.0ns. Outputs restored.
5010.000ns	   5		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=9)
 			   6			main called from Trunc  (n=9)
							out is LOW, but would be HIGH next step
 							trunc: STATE CHANGE DETECTED, next timestep=10.0ns. Outputs restored.
5010.000ns	   6		main called from Qspice?  (n=12)
							=> outputs determined for t=5010.000ns
							out is HIGH

 			   6		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=7)
5020.000ns	   6		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=10)
 			   7			main called from Trunc  (n=10)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
5020.000ns	   7		main called from Qspice?  (n=13)
							=> outputs determined for t=5020.000ns

 			   7		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=8)
5040.000ns	   7		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=11)
 			   8			main called from Trunc  (n=11)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
5040.000ns	   8		main called from Qspice?  (n=14)
							=> outputs determined for t=5040.000ns

 			   8		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=9)
5080.000ns	   8		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=12)
 			   9			main called from Trunc  (n=12)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
5080.000ns	   9		main called from Qspice?  (n=15)
							=> outputs determined for t=5080.000ns

 			   9		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=10)
5160.000ns	   9		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=13)
 			  10			main called from Trunc  (n=13)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
5160.000ns	  10		main called from Qspice?  (n=16)
							=> outputs determined for t=5160.000ns

 			  10		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=11)
5320.000ns	  10		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=14)
 			  11			main called from Trunc  (n=14)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
5320.000ns	  11		main called from Qspice?  (n=17)
							=> outputs determined for t=5320.000ns

 			  11		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=12)
5640.000ns	  11		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=15)
 			  12			main called from Trunc  (n=15)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
5640.000ns	  12		main called from Qspice?  (n=18)
							=> outputs determined for t=5640.000ns

 			  12		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=13)
6280.000ns	  12		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=16)
 			  13			main called from Trunc  (n=16)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
6280.000ns	  13		main called from Qspice?  (n=19)
							=> outputs determined for t=6280.000ns

 			  13		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=14)
7280.000ns	  13		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=17)
 			  14			main called from Trunc  (n=17)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
7280.000ns	  14		main called from Qspice?  (n=20)
							=> outputs determined for t=7280.000ns

 			  14		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=15)
8280.000ns	  14		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=18)
 			  15			main called from Trunc  (n=18)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
8280.000ns	  15		main called from Qspice?  (n=21)
							=> outputs determined for t=8280.000ns

 			  15		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=16)
9280.000ns	  15		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=19)
 			  16			main called from Trunc  (n=19)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
9280.000ns	  16		main called from Qspice?  (n=22)
							=> outputs determined for t=9280.000ns

 			  16		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=17)
10280.000ns	  16		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=20)
 			  17			main called from Trunc  (n=20)
							out is HIGH, but would be LOW next step
 							trunc: STATE CHANGE DETECTED, next timestep=10.0ns. Outputs restored.
9290.000ns	  16		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=21)
 			  17			main called from Trunc  (n=21)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
9290.000ns	  17		main called from Qspice?  (n=23)
							=> outputs determined for t=9290.000ns

 			  17		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=18)
9310.000ns	  17		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=22)
 			  18			main called from Trunc  (n=22)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
9310.000ns	  18		main called from Qspice?  (n=24)
							=> outputs determined for t=9310.000ns

 			  18		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=19)
9350.000ns	  18		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=23)
 			  19			main called from Trunc  (n=23)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
9350.000ns	  19		main called from Qspice?  (n=25)
							=> outputs determined for t=9350.000ns

 			  19		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=20)
9430.000ns	  19		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=24)
 			  20			main called from Trunc  (n=24)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
9430.000ns	  20		main called from Qspice?  (n=26)
							=> outputs determined for t=9430.000ns

 			  20		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=21)
9590.000ns	  20		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=25)
 			  21			main called from Trunc  (n=25)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
9590.000ns	  21		main called from Qspice?  (n=27)
							=> outputs determined for t=9590.000ns

 			  21		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=22)
9910.000ns	  21		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=26)
 			  22			main called from Trunc  (n=26)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
9910.000ns	  22		main called from Qspice?  (n=28)
							=> outputs determined for t=9910.000ns

 			  22		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=23)
10550.000ns	  22		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=27)
 			  23			main called from Trunc  (n=27)
							out is HIGH, but would be LOW next step
 							trunc: STATE CHANGE DETECTED, next timestep=10.0ns. Outputs restored.
9920.000ns	  22		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=28)
 			  23			main called from Trunc  (n=28)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
9920.000ns	  23		main called from Qspice?  (n=29)
							=> outputs determined for t=9920.000ns

 			  23		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=24)
9940.000ns	  23		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=29)
 			  24			main called from Trunc  (n=29)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
9940.000ns	  24		main called from Qspice?  (n=30)
							=> outputs determined for t=9940.000ns

 			  24		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=25)
9980.000ns	  24		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=30)
 			  25			main called from Trunc  (n=30)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
9980.000ns	  25		main called from Qspice?  (n=31)
							=> outputs determined for t=9980.000ns

 			  25		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=26)
10060.000ns	  25		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=31)
 			  26			main called from Trunc  (n=31)
							out is HIGH, but would be LOW next step
 							trunc: STATE CHANGE DETECTED, next timestep=10.0ns. Outputs restored.
9990.000ns	  25		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=32)
 			  26			main called from Trunc  (n=32)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
9990.000ns	  26		main called from Qspice?  (n=32)
							=> outputs determined for t=9990.000ns

 			  26		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=27)
10010.000ns	  26		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=33)
 			  27			main called from Trunc  (n=33)
							out is HIGH, but would be LOW next step
 							trunc: STATE CHANGE DETECTED, next timestep=10.0ns. Outputs restored.
10000.000ns	  26		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=34)
 			  27			main called from Trunc  (n=34)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
10000.000ns	  27		main called from Qspice?  (n=33)
							=> outputs determined for t=10000.000ns

 			  27		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=28)
10020.000ns	  27		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=35)
 			  28			main called from Trunc  (n=35)
							out is HIGH, but would be LOW next step
 							trunc: STATE CHANGE DETECTED, next timestep=10.0ns. Outputs restored.
10010.000ns	  27		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=36)
 			  28			main called from Trunc  (n=36)
							out is HIGH, but would be LOW next step
 							trunc: STATE CHANGE DETECTED, next timestep=10.0ns. Outputs restored.
10010.000ns	  28		main called from Qspice?  (n=34)
							=> outputs determined for t=10010.000ns
							out is LOW

 			  28		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=29)
10020.000ns	  28		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=37)
 			  29			main called from Trunc  (n=37)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
10020.000ns	  29		main called from Qspice?  (n=35)
							=> outputs determined for t=10020.000ns

 			  29		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=30)
10040.000ns	  29		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=38)
 			  30			main called from Trunc  (n=38)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
10040.000ns	  30		main called from Qspice?  (n=36)
							=> outputs determined for t=10040.000ns

 			  30		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=31)
10080.000ns	  30		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=39)
 			  31			main called from Trunc  (n=39)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
10080.000ns	  31		main called from Qspice?  (n=37)
							=> outputs determined for t=10080.000ns

 			  31		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=32)
10160.000ns	  31		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=40)
 			  32			main called from Trunc  (n=40)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
10160.000ns	  32		main called from Qspice?  (n=38)
							=> outputs determined for t=10160.000ns

 			  32		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=33)
10320.000ns	  32		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=41)
 			  33			main called from Trunc  (n=41)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
10320.000ns	  33		main called from Qspice?  (n=39)
							=> outputs determined for t=10320.000ns

 			  33		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=34)
10640.000ns	  33		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=42)
 			  34			main called from Trunc  (n=42)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
10640.000ns	  34		main called from Qspice?  (n=40)
							=> outputs determined for t=10640.000ns

 			  34		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=35)
11280.000ns	  34		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=43)
 			  35			main called from Trunc  (n=43)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
11280.000ns	  35		main called from Qspice?  (n=41)
							=> outputs determined for t=11280.000ns

 			  35		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=36)
12280.000ns	  35		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=44)
 			  36			main called from Trunc  (n=44)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
12280.000ns	  36		main called from Qspice?  (n=42)
							=> outputs determined for t=12280.000ns

 			  36		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=37)
13280.000ns	  36		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=45)
 			  37			main called from Trunc  (n=45)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
13280.000ns	  37		main called from Qspice?  (n=43)
							=> outputs determined for t=13280.000ns

 			  37		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=38)
14280.000ns	  37		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=46)
 			  38			main called from Trunc  (n=46)
 							trunc: no state change detected, next timestep=infns. Outputs restored.
14280.000ns	  38		main called from Qspice?  (n=44)
							=> outputs determined for t=14280.000ns

 			  38		MaxExtStepSize called from Qspice?
							=> returns max_timestep=1e-6  (n=39)
15280.000ns	  38		Trunc called from Qspice?  (n=47)
 			  39			main called from Trunc  (n=47)
							out is LOW, but would be HIGH next step
 							trunc: STATE CHANGE DETECTED, next timestep=10.0ns. Outputs restored.

So what I get is something like the following, starting at:
time4 = 4000ns, outpus are already calculated

  1. QSPICE calls MaxExtStepSize, this will limit the timestep to the specified 1000ns, if it is bigger.
  2. QSPICE calls the trunc function (void Trunc(...))
  3. if timestep is bigger than a specified timestep of 10ns (which seems to be always the case?, timestep=inf)
    3a. trunc saves the outputs and calls the main function (void ctest_x1(...)) with a temporary struct with time5= time4 + 1000ns = 5000ns
    3b. no state change is detected, temporary data is discarded
  4. QSPICE calls the main function a second time (seems unnecessary?) and the results will end up as a sample point for time5 = 5000ns ?

so for one sample point the main funcition gets called 2 times.
time5 = 5000ns

  1. like 1.
  2. like 2.
  3. like 3.
    8a. like 3a. but with time6 = time5 + 1000ns = 6000ns
    8b. like 3b, but now a change of the specified variable inst->state is detected, temporary data is discarded, next timestep will be only 10ns
  4. like 4. but with time6 = time5 + 10ns = 5010ns, so calculations are repeated for an earlier time point. Again a change of the state is detected.
  5. like 5. but again with time6 = time5 + 10ns = 5010ns (seems unnecessary?)


for the next steps the timestep will get doubled until it gets limited to 1000ns again (if not reduced again in the meantime)

  • So is this how it works?
  • Does it always work like that?
  • Any further advice/info besides: just look at the sparsely commented example?
  • while the edges are with good precision, it seems to me that the main is called more often than it needs to be (or I don’t understand the reason).
  • and it is not working very well for the falling edge, i.e. many ununnecessary calculations are made before. (this has nothing to do with the falling edge itself, but just with how the timeings are)

edit: updated code, output and text to make it clearer