Build another app for DW3000

as Apple has dropped dual antenna in the iPhone 14/15… and this breaks our app and system design, and the AR doesn’t work for our users, we are exploiring other options…

one is to build a new dual antenna board that would be co-located with the phone (in a case maybe) that does provide dual antenna and then uses fira with the CDK board in our other devices…

prototype works… (using the murata 2ab board as the co-located device),

now… how to connect my app to that board…dont want wires that the user has to connect…
BT seems the best way, data is small, and the DWxxx devices have BT on board…

so, can I create my own app…
talks via BT … and then invoke the fira app under the covers with local interaction and then capture the ranging info and push it over the BT connection to the app.

can the Nordic processor handle BT connections to ‘many/multiple’ devices… I think yes, as one to many works…

any gotchas here?

on the cdk side, I guess I need a new always on app to setup fira controlee mode… wait for connect, connect, range, disconnect, restart… repeat…, start app at power on…