BLE Infos & Advertising

Hello everybody,

I am actually working on the MDEK1001 Kit to make an indoor positionning system.
I am playing with the “dwm-simple.c” example but i would like to change the BLE advertising message and i couldn’t find where the UUIDs have been coded.

Could someone help me ?


Kind Regards,

Hi [color=#333333][size=small]AykutP,[/size][/color]

[color=#333333][size=small]The BLE characteristics are defined in the compiled library dwm.o and are not meant to be modified by the end user. [/size][/color]

[color=#333333][size=small]You can find more details about the BLE model in the BLE-API documentation ([/size][/color]

[color=#333333][size=small]Thank you,[/size][/color]
[color=#333333][size=small]Yves [/size][/color]

Hi Yves,

Thanks for your fast reply,

Actually, is there any possibility to get the “.c source code” of the “dwm.o” Library to do some modifications ?

And i have another question concerning the BLE advertising time : I couldn’t find how much consume the DWM1001 when it’s advertising and the duration of the event.

Kind Regards,

Hi [color=#333333][size=small]AykutP,[/size][/color]

[color=#333333][size=small]We are currently not planning to release the dwm library as an open library. Customer will only get the compiled version. This is why we provide a user apps space with the dwm-simple example. [/size][/color]

[color=#333333][size=small]It means the BLE model is as delivered and cannot be modified.[/size][/color]

[color=#333333][size=small]Regarding the [/size][size=x-small]consumption[/size][size=small] during [/size][size=x-small]advertising[/size][size=small] and duration of the event, I may have to come back to you.[/size][/color]

[color=#333333][size=small]Thank you,[/size][/color]
[color=#333333][size=small]Yves [/size][/color]

Yves Bernard,

PANS provides meager API, do you plan to extend number of functions?

PANS is very useful while buiding my network. Main problem that it is impossible to add any functions not listed in APi, for example, transmit thru UWB and collect data from ANT heartrate or Accelerometer. Also it is near impossible to make correct working custom firmware with network stack, etc.

Hi Jebro,

It is not possible to get accelerometer data over BLE.

Skadi, we are working on a release 2 that will offer new feature such as non-location data over UWB. The network stack will remained similar and all the code customization will have to be done through the User Application space.

Thank you,
Best regards