BLE Communication With the DWM1001 PANS


I am doing ble communication in nrf52832 and it is acting as a central device to get the location data from  DWM1001 PANS.	

and i have created custom services with the uuid 680c21d9-c946-4c1f-9c11-baa1c21329e7. and also i have created one
custom characteristics with the uuid 003bbdf2-c634-4b3d-ab56-7ec889b89a37 for reading the location data from DWM1001 PANS.
and i am doing the name filtering in central device with the device name as “DWDB8C”. and also while i am communicating through BLE with DWM1001 PANS
i am getting polling BLE events as 29 (p_ble_evt->header.evt_id = 29).

and also i have created one peripheral device for testing purpose to communicate with the central device with the same device name as “DWDB8C”.
and with the same custom services and characteristics then the central device is discovering the testing purpose peripheral device.
it is bonding with the testing purpose peripheral device and it is transferring the data from peripheral to central.

Could you please tell me why my central device is not discovering the DWM1001 PANS and why i am getting Polling BLE events as 29 (p_ble_evt->header.evt_id = 29).

Rajaganesan K

Hi Rajaganesan,

it should work using an nRF52832 as central device. After connecting to the module you should subscribe to notification else the module will do auto-disconnect after about 10s.

The best would be to test first using nRF Connect from Nordic on a smartphone. It should give you an idea what is necessary to be done.


ok. Thank you so much.


I have subscribed the notification in the central side but still I am getting the same event id like BLE events as 29 (p_ble_evt->header.evt_id = 29) while I am communicating with the DWM1001 PANS.

Rajaganesan K

Hi Rajaganesan,

if I understand correctly then you use a nRF52832 with SoftDevice from Nordic to connect to a DWM1001 with PANS. The event you sent above comes from the SoftDevice correct?

The issue you reported is not an issue of PANS. I think you need to study first how the SoftDevice and Bluetooth works. Please refer to its documentation

Event 29 should be BLE_GAP_EVT_ADV_REPORT.


Thank you so much
Rajaganesan K


Could you please tell me what are the parameters need to set in the scanning parameter for the PANS library scanning.


Hi Rajaganesan,

the nodes in PANS advertise once every ~187 ms. You can easily see this using the nRF Connect.
You can also use the source code of DRTLS Android Manager to study how it works.


Thank you so much.

Rajaganesan K

Could you please send me the file name of the DRTLS Android Manager.

Rajaganesan K