Behavioral Resistor Laplace Expression

This post is to ask about/clarify the Laplace expression convention for the behavioral resistor.

I tried to implement a frequency-dependent resistor (resistance decreases as frequency increases) with a behavioral resistor and a Laplace expression. I first tried “Laplace = 1 / (abs(s) / (2pi))” but this caused the resistance to increase with frequency. The expression “Laplace = abs(s) / (2pi)” achieved what I wanted, but it seems backwards to me. I assumed the Laplace expression defined the impedance of the behavioral resistor. Would need the “s” term in the denominator to decrease the resistance with frequency.

Does the Laplace expression set the impedance or admittance? Is this discussed in the documentation? Apologies if I just missed something simple. Thanks!

Not sure if the Laplace resistor is officially a thing. This question was discussed in the LTspice forum years ago : | Laplace resistor

Here is an explanation of why Laplace formula is inverted with G-source : Tutorials

Are you simulating skin effect? For your information, laplace resistor will not work in time domain simulation.

B Source - Behavioral R with Laplace.qsch (2.5 KB)


Thanks for the confirmation and pointing me to the LTspice forum discussion/the tutorial! I hadn’t seen those links. Very much appreciated.

I am simulating dielectric losses for a capacitive sensing application. Luckily only need .ac analysis for now :slight_smile: