Beacon receiving problems

Hello there,

I have a problem with receiving beacon frame types. I have already implemented TWR so I am not a total beginner. Now I would like to implement beacon frame types for searching the most suitable anchors to communicate. But I have a problem with receiving Beacons.

This is a traditional data frame, received without any problems (rx_ok_callback is called):

And this is beacon frame, which is received with errors (rx_error_callback is called, with SYS_STATUS = 0F03 0000)

I also tried turning off PAN ID compress, and still the same. If you compare the images, only one difference is in the very first bit in the message, which basically signs beacon/data frame.

There is another demonstration, what has actually been physically transmitted, caught by my sniffer. In the sniffer, the frame filtering is DISALLOWED. It has very similar FW, only difference is that does not contain state machine solving anch/tag, only prints received events.

Do you have any idea, what could be wrong?
