Asking for the design of DW3000 antenna ML005, ML009, JL359

Hello Qorvo,

I am VietDung Trinh, a new member of the Qorvo Tech Forum. I am currently working on a project that involves the DW3000 series and am in need of specific antenna files to optimize my designs. I am seeking access to the files for the following antennas: Qorvo JL359, also known as ‘Jolie-AoA’; Qorvo ML009, also referred to as ‘Mona Lisa Ch_9’; and Qorvo ML005, known as ‘Mona Lisa Ch_5’. These antennas are crucial for the success of my project, and I believe they will significantly enhance the performance of my application. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could share these files (dxf or dwg) with me or guide me on how to obtain them from the forum or any other source. Thank you in advance for your support and assistance.

Hello @TrinhVietDungn,

These antenna design are Qorvo proprietary and are not publicly available. For licensing and/or partnership options, you can contact the sales representative through Contact a Qorvo Sales Representative - Qorvo.

I already have sir. How long does it take for them to reply me. I’m in a hurry