I’m using DWS1000 and Arduino uno for the one-dimensional range measurement between two setups. As the first step, I tested BasicConectivity example on GitHub - thotro/arduino-dw1000: A library that offers functionality to use Decawave's DW1000 chips/modules with Arduino. and looks like it is working correctly. Then, I am trying to make communication between Anchor and Tag. I used BasicSender and BasicReceiver examples and there is no communication between them. I should mention that I changed pin numbers, which are RST = 9, IRQ = 2, and SS (10 in uno). Can you help me to use these examples? Could we find a software library or some code examples for using this specific device (DWS1000)?
Also not most Arduino boards use a relatively limited 8-bit ATMega MCU. Developing RTLS solution on this platform can be chalanging due to the required calculations on the host processor and limited SPI speeds. See APS019 Driving DW1000 from 8-bit MCU