Apple NI Configuration Data Frame

Thanks ; i got it the Qorvo NI demo app :hugs: :ok_man: :v:

Cheers :ok_man:, Matthew Gohen

Hi Matthew_gohen,

May I know how you execute the following commands in the terminal ?

I copy the patch to the same level as a root folder of the original application
and using the follow commands in terminal, but i still failed on this.

could you share some experience about it?


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have u already done ?

Hi, can you tell us which Eval kit you bought?

To get back to the topic, can someone share what the expected configuration is for the UWBConfigData in the AccessorryConfigurationData struct? How does one retrieve it / generate it for the DW3000?

Hi, @Doe!

UWBConfigData is defined by Apple and is not open, the way to generate it is by using the NIQ library.
The niq_populate_accessory_uwb_config_data() function to be precise, like seen in send_accessory_config_data().

Best regards!

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Hi @carlos.silva , thank you for your reply!

My problem is that the library is incompatible with esp32. Are there source files one could use to work with the DW3000 on ESP32?

Here is the output of objdump:

In archive libniq-m4-hfp-

niq.c.obj:     file format elf32-little
architecture: UNKNOWN!, flags 0x00000011:
start address 0x00000000

In archive libniq-m4-sfp-

niq.c.obj:     file format elf32-little
architecture: UNKNOWN!, flags 0x00000011:
start address 0x00000000

Hi @Doe !

Unfortunately, Qorvo only has these libraries available for ARM Cortex M4 and M33. It doesn’t appear that customers are using Xtensa chips, which makes it harder to wait for a release for this platform.

If you have to stick with the ESP32, the only solution I see is to put an intermediate and cheap ARM Cortex chip to implement UWB and NIQ and leave the connectivity (BLE/WiFi) on the ESP32 side.

Best regards!

Hi Carlos, do you know where i can find the NIQ and UWBSTACK lib for the Cortex M33 ? I’ve only found the dwt_uwb_driver lib for the M33.

Best Regards.

have u already done ?Please share something.Thank YOU

Here is what i found out thru reverse engineering:

This is what we send to the iPhone at first, the last two bytes are the UWB MAC address we use, the rest is always the same:

// AccessoryConfigurationData uwbConfigData
// END: 0xAA, 0xAA = NIDiscoveryToken = MAC generated by device
static uint8_t ac_config[]
	= {0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3f, 0xf5, 0x03, 0x00, 0xb8, 0x0b,
	   0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x09, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0xAA, 0xAA};

Then we receive from the iPhone:

struct as_conf_data {
	uint8_t _unk[2]; // UNKNOWN 0x45 0x55
	uint32_t session_id;
	uint8_t preamble_code;
	uint8_t channel;
	uint16_t num_slots; // ?
	uint16_t slot_duration_rstu;
	uint16_t block_duration_ms;
	uint8_t report; // ? 3 = TOF Report
	uint8_t sts_iv[6];
	uint16_t dst_addr;
} __attribute__((packed));

This is later used for configuring the FIRA session parameters

Hi Carlos,

May I know where I can find the NIQ library for m33, I only find library for m4 in dw3300q.