Apple Nearby Interaction, invalid configuration

I am using the DW3000 and trying to get it working with the Qorvo Background Nearby Interaction Demo.

When I send the configuration to the app, the app rejects it with this error:

Qorvo NI Background[2981:697127] [AccessoryDemoViewController] Failed to create NINearbyAccessoryConfiguration for 'ESP32'. Error: Error Code=-5888 "NIERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTION" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=NIERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION_RECOVERY_SUGGESTION, NSLocalizedDescription=NIERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTION, NSLocalizedFailureReason=NIERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION_FAILURE_REASON}

Is there any information on how to obtain valid configuration from the DW3000?

The steps for you:

  1. Request Qorvo point of contact to generate to you the niq as well uwbstack library.
  2. Download and use as a reference Qorvo NI reference application - available under “evaluation” for dwm3001cdk, for example. It is build for Cortex-M.

Or simpler justify Qorvo to support ESP32 target…

I think without above you’ll be able to do nothing…

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How reasonable would it be to get them to do 1 or for them to support ESP32?

I’ve had a look at 2, but the licensing in the demo code prevents reversing it. Which one would have to do to get the niq_populate_configuration_data (and other) functions required.

This is quite disappointing.