Any plans to include a CSV file format as an input to a Voltage, Current or Resistance Behavior component?


Are there any plans to include a CSV file format as an input to a Voltage, Current or Resistance Behavior component?

At least if a CSV input file can be used as a Voltage source would allow other sources to be voltage controlled. LTSpice has a similar feature for Voltage/Current sources such as inputting a wave file.


Hi, Len.

It would be easy enough to modify my SPI component to produce voltages from a CSV file. Would that accomplish what you’re looking for? If so, what features should it have? I’m thinking that the component would need only supply the name of the input file and a column number (in case the CSV had multiple columns). Well, I guess we’d need a time column…

I should be able to knock that out pretty quickly. Let me know if it would be useful.


PWL voltage and current source can load from file, which support space " " or comma “,” as delimiter, which mean you should able to read a .csv format.
Data file better to set as two column, first column is time and second column is voltage/current value, no headers line in .txt or .csv file

For behavioral resistor, it supports table() function, but no way to import from .csv as far as I know.

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@KSKelvin ,

That is what I’m using right for now. The table line is VERY long. It is impractical if the table has a lot of points. For example: I have a current load profile from a device that I measured on a scope. It is a complex 2000+ time point profile.



I think a C-block component converting CSV file with time,volt values could be useful.

I noticed @KSKelvin next post about the PWL using the FILE feature. I’m going to try it out. That might be the “better” option since it is inherent in the V or C source component. (No need to include a C-block DLL between projects.


@KSKelvin ,

This is the solution!!!

This is what I was looking for. Apparently I didn’t see this feature in the Help file.

Works great to load in a CSV file. Excellent.
