Android Application Source Code

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to fiddle around a bit with your Android App to which you have the source code posted on this site (thank you for that!).
Sadly the entire build.gradle files are hopelessly outdated so that i can’t get the project to find all the necessary libraries.
I have tried migrating the build.gradle files to Gradle version 4.4 which worked up to the point where the project at least synced but at some point it just leads to a not clearly defined AAPT2 error which i can’t seem to solve.
I also tried downgrading Gradle to version 2.3.3 which lead to more Library issues than the newer version after resolving some of those i got to the same error that i got with the newer Gradle version.

All of this was done using the newest Android Studio from the Stable Channel.
I have attached my updated gradle files (updated for Gradle 4.4).

Any support or suggestions on how to proceeed to get the app to build would be appreciated.


Hi Patrick,

Have you tried to discard the gradle update when building with android studio ?

I’ve just updated the latest version of android studio and compiled the project successfully.

During compilation, there will be some initial failure due to missing libraries :

  • Android SDK Platform 24 (platforms;android-24)
  • Android SDK Build-Tools 26.0.2 (build-tools;26.0.2)

I’ve installed those packages and then android studio asks if we want to update gradlle to the latest version. If you refuse, the compilation should continue and be succesful.

Let me know how it goes,
Thanks you,

I don’t know why i didn’t try that myself. Yes the project compiles if you use the last version 3 of Gradle (3.1.4) but not if you update to newest version (4.4) or downgrade to the imported gradle library version (2.3.3).
Thanks a bunch.

Hi, could you please provide me your

  • “Android Gradle Plugin Version”
  • “Gradle Version”

Please ?

I have the same problem and I don’t find how to fix it…
