Android and DWM3000EVB UWB Settings Inquiry


I’m working on a UWB sample app.
However, it was difficult to ascertain why it did not work, so I wrote to get advice.

Any advice please.

  • uwb settings
  1. fixed data
  • vendor_id : [7, 8]
  • static_sts_iv : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
  1. variables
  • Mobile address : B3-80
  • Device address : 02-C9
  • channel : 9
  • preambleIndex : 10 (Depends on mobile env.)
  • session id : 1763735330
  • DWM3000EVB code about uwb settings
// construct_fira_param_from_config() in main_uwb.c
// vendor_id : 0x7, 0x8
// sts_iv : 0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x5,0x6
config->Static_STS_IV[0] = 1;
    config->Static_STS_IV[1] = 2;
    config->Static_STS_IV[2] = 3;
    config->Static_STS_IV[3] = 4;
    config->Static_STS_IV[4] = 5;
    config->Static_STS_IV[5] = 6;
    config->Vendor_ID[0] = 7;
    config->Vendor_ID[1] = 8;

    fira_param->session.vupper64[7] = config->Vendor_ID[0];
    fira_param->session.vupper64[6] = config->Vendor_ID[1];
    fira_param->session.vupper64[5] = config->Static_STS_IV[0];
    fira_param->session.vupper64[4] = config->Static_STS_IV[1];
    fira_param->session.vupper64[3] = config->Static_STS_IV[2];
    fira_param->session.vupper64[2] = config->Static_STS_IV[3];
    fira_param->session.vupper64[1] = config->Static_STS_IV[4];
    fira_param->session.vupper64[0] = config->Static_STS_IV[5];
  • Android Mobile some code
suspend fun startRanging() {
    // ...
    // Create the ranging parameters.
    val partnerParameters = RangingParameters(
        uwbConfigType = UwbRangingParamters.UWB_CONFIG_ID_1,
        sessionId = id, // this value :  1763735330
        sessionKeyInfo = keyInfo, // this value : [7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
        complexChannel = channel, // this value : channel : 9, preamble_code_index : 10
        peerDevices = listOf(device), // this value : [0x02, 0xC9]
        updateRateType = UwbRangingParamters.RANGING_UPDATE_RATE_AUTOMATIC

    // Initiate a session that will be valid for a single ranging session.
    val clientSession = uwbManager.clientSessionScope()

    // Share the localAddress of the current session to the partner device.

    val sessionFlow = clientSession.prepareSession(partnerParameters)

    // Start a coroutine scope that initiates ranging.
    CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main.immediate).launch {
        sessionFlow.collect {
            when(it) {
                is RangingResultPosition -> doSomethingWithPosition(it.position)
                is RangingResultPeerDisconnected -> peerDisconnected(it)
  • DWM3000EVB logs
Application: Nearby Interaction Beta
Target: DWM3000EVB + nRF52840DK
Version: 1.0.0-230126
DW3XXX Device Driver Version 06.00.00
MAC: R8.2.3_E
<info> app: Fast advertising.
<info> app: Connected
<info> app: Notification is enabled
<info> app: handle_new_data: len1=1,len=3, data=0a-
<info> app: App requests accessory config data
<info> app: send_ble_data: len1=36,len=108, data=01-01-00-00-00-14-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-13-01-00-00-00-3f-f5-03-00-b8-0b-00-00-01-09-09-00-00-02-c9-
<info> app: handle_new_data: len1=29,len=87, data=0b-01-00-00-00-17-4b-52-22-77-20-69-0a-09-06-00-60-09-f0-00-03-06-05-04-03-02-01-b3-80-
<info> app: send_ble_data: len1=1,len=3, data=02-
<info> app: Running construct_fira_param_from_config
<info> app: >>> src: 51458 >> 0x02c9,sid: 1763735330 >> 1763735330,initiation_time_ms: 5 >> 5,
dst: 32947 >> 0xb380,VID:0708 SID:010203040506,chn: 9,pream: 10
{"TWR": {"R":1,"a16":"0x80b3","S":"ERR","D cm":0}}
{"TWR": {"R":2,"a16":"0x80b3","S":"ERR","D cm":0}}
{"TWR": {"R":3,"a16":"0x80b3","S":"ERR","D cm":0}}
{"TWR": {"R":4,"a16":"0x80b3","S":"ERR","D cm":0}}
{"TWR": {"R":5,"a16":"0x80b3","S":"ERR","D cm":0}}
{"TWR": {"R":6,"a16":"0x80b3","S":"ERR","D cm":0}}
{"TWR": {"R":7,"a16":"0x80b3","S":"ERR","D cm":0}}
{"TWR": {"R":8,"a16":"0x80b3","S":"ERR","D cm":0}}
  • Android Mobile logs
//... uwb parameter
03:01:39.569 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  Add UWB peer: 0X02C9 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.569 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB Ranging Device start ranging [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.569 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  Local UWB address is 0XB380 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.570 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  Opens UWB session with bundle parameters: [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.570 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: aoa_result_request, value: 1 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.570 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: range_data_ntf_proximity_near, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.571 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: is_tx_adaptive_payload_power_enabled, value: false [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.571 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: rframe_config, value: 3 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.571 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: max_ranging_round_retries, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.571 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: psdu_data_rate, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.571 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: fcs_type, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.571 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: device_role, value: 1 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.571 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: device_type, value: 1 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.571 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: block_stride_length, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.571 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: prf_mode, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: slot_duration_rstu, value: 2400 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: protocol_version, value: 1.1 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: slots_per_ranging_round, value: 6 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: vendor_id, value: [7, 8] [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: ranging_interval_ms, value: 240 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: dest_address_list, value: [200691658394697728] [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: sfd_id, value: 2 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: num_of_msrmt_focus_on_range, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: channel_number, value: 9 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: session_priority, value: 50 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: is_key_rotation_enabled, value: false [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: sts_config, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: num_of_msrmt_focus_on_aoa_elevation, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: in_band_termination_attempt_count, value: 3 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: range_data_ntf_proximity_far, value: 20000 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: bprf_phr_data_rate, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: sts_length, value: 1 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: initiation_time_ms, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: aoa_type, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: has_time_of_flight_report, value: true [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: has_angle_of_arrival_figure_of_merit_report, value: false [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: has_angle_of_arrival_azimuth_report, value: false [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: mac_address_mode, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: preamble_duration, value: 1 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: key_rotation_rate, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: bundle_version, value: 1 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.572 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: has_angle_of_arrival_elevation_report, value: false [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: static_sts_iv, value: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: range_data_ntf_config, value: 1 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: ranging_round_usage, value: 2 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: protocol_name, value: fira [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: has_result_report_phase, value: true [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: device_address, value: -5512405943901487104 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: measurement_report_type, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: preamble_code_index, value: 10 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: session_id, value: 1763735330 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: multi_node_mode, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: num_of_msrmt_focus_on_aoa_azimuth, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: hopping_mode, value: 0 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB parameter: sts_segment_count, value: 1 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.573 18696-16723 NearbyUWB                            I  exec UWB operation Open session [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.576  3022-9799  UwbAospAdapterService                E  call addToNonPrivilegedUidToFiraSessionTableIfNecessary
03:01:39.577  3022-9799  UWB                                  I  UwbAdapter: openSession is invoked
03:01:39.577  3022-9799  UWB                                  I  UwbAdapter: defaultConfig is null
03:01:39.578  1492-2430  SecContentProvider                   D  query(), uri = 30 selection = isUWBAllowed
03:01:39.578  1492-2430  SecContentProvider                   D  called from android.uid.uwb:1083
03:01:39.579  3022-9799  UwbSessionManager                    I  sessionInit() - Session ID : 1763735330, Service Type : 0
//... range data
3:01:39.633  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  notifySessionStateNotification: enter; session ID=69207722, State = 2 reasonCode = 0
03:01:39.633  3022-3425  UwbSessionManager                    I  onSessionStatusNotificationReceived - Session ID : 1763735330, state : 2 reasonCode:0
03:01:39.634  3022-9799  UwbSessionNotiManager                I  IUwbRangingCallbacks - onRangingStarted
03:01:39.634  3022-3425  UwbBigdataManager                    I  Feature : TIMESET ID : 1763735330 State : 2
03:01:39.634  3022-3425  UwbSessionNotiManager                I  Send session status 2 to system
03:01:39.635  2597-2597  wpa_sslib                            I  oem_data_cmd=14
03:01:39.635  2597-2597  wpa_sslib                            I  UWB COEX=1
03:01:39.635  2597-2597  wpa_sslib                            E  Invalid uwb channel 0
03:01:39.635  2597-2597  wpa_supplicant                       E  wpa_driver_nl80211_driver_cmd: failed to issue private commands
03:01:39.635  1492-2518  SemSupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl     E  ISehSupplicantStaIface.setExtendedCommand failed: {.code = FAILURE_UNKNOWN, .debugMessage = -1}
03:01:39.635  1492-2518  SemWifiCoexManager                   D  setWifiUwbCoexEnabled - enable = true ch = 9 result = 2
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  notifySessionStateNotification: exit
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbUciCore                           I  uwb_ucif_process_event enter gid:0x62 status:0x0
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbUciCore                           I  uwb_ucif_process_event: UWB received ntf gid:2
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbUciCore                           I  uwb_ucif_proc_ranging_data: ranging_measures_length = 16 range_data_ntf_len = 76
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbUciCore                           I  uwa_dm_uwb_response_cback:UWB_VENDOR_SPECIfIC_UCI_NTF_EVT(0x401d)
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  uwaDeviceManagementCallback: enter; event=0x1D
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  uwaDeviceManagementCallback: UWA_VENDOR_SPECIfIC_UCI_NTF_EVT
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbExtNotificationHandler            I  handleRangeDataNotification  rangeData = 000000002277206900F0000000010000000000000000000001C9022100FFFF000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000E000700000000000000000102000000
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbExtNotificationHandler            I  handleRangeDataNotification vendorInfoLen = 7 vendorspecificlength= 14
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  onVendorUciNotificationReceived: exit
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbUciCore                           I  uwa_dm_uwb_response_cback:UWB_RANGE_DATA_REVT(0x4011)
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  uwaDeviceManagementCallback: enter; event=0x14
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  uwaDeviceManagementCallback: UWA_DM_RANGE_DATA_NTF_EVT
03:01:39.635  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  notifyRangeDataNotification: Enter
03:01:39.636  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  onRangeDataNotificationReceived: ranging_measure_type = MEASUREMENT_TYPE_TWOWAY
03:01:39.636  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  onRangeDataNotificationReceived: exit
03:01:39.636  1168-3801  vendor.qti.bluet...@1.0-ibs_handler  I  ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
03:01:39.637  1203-4173  sensors-hal                          I  handle_indication_realtime:471,  SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
03:01:39.637  1203-4176  sensors-hal                          I  handle_indication_realtime:471,  SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
03:01:39.638 18696-18779 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB ranging started [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.639  1168-3801  vendor.qti.bluet...@1.0-ibs_handler  I  ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
03:01:39.639  1168-3801  vendor.qti.bluet...@1.0-ibs_handler  I  ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
03:01:39.640  2887-3841  bt_stack                             I  [] bta_gattc_sm_execute: State 0x02, Event 0x1f0f
03:01:39.641  2887-3138  BtGatt.GattService                   D  onWriteCharacteristic() - increasing permit for address=E74BE1_1
03:01:39.641  2887-3138  BtGatt.GattService                   D  onWriteCharacteristic() - address=E74BE1_1, status=0
03:01:39.641 18696-18779 NearbyUWB                            I  Local UWB address is 0XB380 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.641  4006-4006  BlinkyManagerImpl                    I  Data written to 6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e
03:01:39.642 18696-18779 NearbyUWB                            I  Local UWB address is 0XB380 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.644 18696-31264 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB Ranging Data from peer 0X02C9 Status 1 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
03:01:39.645  4006-4006  BlinkyManagerImpl                    I  Notification received from 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e, value: (0x) 02
03:01:39.647  4006-4006  UwbClientSessionScope                I  Started UWB ranging.
03:01:39.647  4006-4006  Tx2Callback                          D  received:data=1
03:01:39.647  4006-4006  BlinkyManager                        D  tx2Callback.onTxChanged:(0x) 02
03:01:39.647  4006-4006  BlinkyManager                        D  parseNi:data=(0x) 02
03:01:39.647  4006-4006  BlinkyManagerImpl                    I  NiMsgId.ACCESSORY_UWB_DID_START
03:01:39.679  1168-3801  vendor.qti.bluet...@1.0-ibs_handler  I  ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
03:01:39.701  1203-4176  sensors-hal                          I  handle_sns_client_event:630, [0][0] gyro_sample_cal(3) [-0.001, 0.001,-0.000] 221798448103956
03:01:39.725  1492-1492  GestureDetector                      I  handleMessage TAP
03:01:39.726  1492-1617  GestureDetector                      I  handleMessage TAP
03:01:39.739  1203-3560  sensors-hal                          I  handle_sns_client_event:540, [0][416] accel_sample [-1.764, -0.027,  9.660] 221798487041873
03:01:39.750  1203-4165  sensors-hal                          I  handle_indication_realtime:471,  SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
03:01:39.801  4006-4035  System                               W  A resource failed to call close. 
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbUciCore                           I  uwb_ucif_process_event enter gid:0x62 status:0x1
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbUciCore                           I  uwb_ucif_process_event: UWB received ntf gid:2
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbUciCore                           I  uwb_ucif_proc_ranging_data: ranging_measures_length = 16 range_data_ntf_len = 76
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbUciCore                           I  uwa_dm_uwb_response_cback:UWB_VENDOR_SPECIfIC_UCI_NTF_EVT(0x401d)
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  uwaDeviceManagementCallback: enter; event=0x1D
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  uwaDeviceManagementCallback: UWA_VENDOR_SPECIfIC_UCI_NTF_EVT
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbExtNotificationHandler            I  handleRangeDataNotification  rangeData = 010000002277206900F0000000010000000000000000000001C9022100FFFF000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000E000700000000000000000102000000
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbExtNotificationHandler            I  handleRangeDataNotification vendorInfoLen = 7 vendorspecificlength= 14
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  onVendorUciNotificationReceived: exit
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbUciCore                           I  uwa_dm_uwb_response_cback:UWB_RANGE_DATA_REVT(0x4011)
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  uwaDeviceManagementCallback: enter; event=0x14
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  uwaDeviceManagementCallback: UWA_DM_RANGE_DATA_NTF_EVT
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  notifyRangeDataNotification: Enter
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  onRangeDataNotificationReceived: ranging_measure_type = MEASUREMENT_TYPE_TWOWAY
03:01:39.853  3022-3425  UwbJni                               I  onRangeDataNotificationReceived: exit
03:01:39.856 18696-31264 NearbyUWB                            I  UWB Ranging Data from peer 0X02C9 Status 1 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]



I am facing a similar issue, did you manage to get any further?

We are waiting for the Qorvo team.
Also, we have purchased and tested the “MK UWB Kit Mobile edition 2.0” product and confirmed that it works on Android.
We hope that the Qorvo team is well prepared.

Thanks a lot for the reply, I was lurking through the androidx docs and they seem to already support dynamic STS (referred to as “PROVISIONED_STS”). I deduce from your words that we have to wait for quorvo to provide the implementation for the HAL interface? (I am referring to this architecture UWB  |  Android Open Source Project)

We are trying to develop a UWB app that works on smartphones such as Google Pixel and Samsung Galaxy, but we do not have access to UWB.

Currently, we are waiting like this person.

1 Like


We haven’t received any plans from Qorvo regarding Android UWB support.

Instead of simply waiting, it might be better to purchase Android source code and firmware from MK UWB and analyze and handle them on your own.