An offset of 0 or pi on the poa of DW3000

In the paper “Push the Limit of Highly Accurate Ranging on Commercial UWB
Devices”, the authors used an extra post-final message in DS-TWR for CFO cancellation. This method works fine on DW1000.
On DW3000, with CH9 the method works, but with CH5, things are different. It seems that the POA of each message has an offset of either 0 or pi when CH5 is used. It is totally random which offset it has.
What is the cause of this offset? Is there a way to remove this offset by some configurations in the devices?

Hi @BC0023 ,

It is a known bug and we’re currently working on this issue.
We’ll keep you informed of the progress.

Kind regards,

Thanks! @Emre_Ozbas_Qorvo
Is there maybe a rough plan for when it will be fixed?