Hello, I have been working with the Qorvo demo code and the DWM3001CDKE to range with an iPhone, but was confused on how to modify the UWB ranging parameters without having access to the internals of “niq_populate_accessory_uwb_config_data” and “niq_configure_and_start_uwb” methods. I would like to change parameters like the PRF_Mode, Preamble length, etc. but it seems that altering “default_config.h” has no effects on the data shared by the accessory to the iPhone. Could someone please direct me as to how to make such edits. Thanks!
@carlos.silva I noticed that you had a similar setup and had experience with Apple NI. I would really appreciate your expertise on this problem and to learn if you were able to modify the ranging parameters from the qorvo-side code.
Hi @rpraka !
Unfortunately, the fields are initialised with default_config.h values, but they are overwritten with values given by the iOS app, so you cannot change them on the device side. Even on the iOS side the app generates the shareableConfigurationData but there is no option to change it now, maybe in future versions they will include functions to do this but we can’t be sure when or if they will.
Thanks @carlos.silva! I was hoping to alter these config params since ranging with multiple Qorvo Beacons from an iPhone seems to be quite problematic. I believe that ranging time slots of the beacons are intersecting, leading to beacon timeouts and intermittent “ERR” readings on TWR results. Do you know any method to work around this when ranging 3-4 beacons from a single phone. Really appreciate your advice!
Hi @rpraka !
What is your approach for this iOS application?
There’s a new Qorvo NI app under test, to be released soon, capable of tracking multiple tags at the same time.
The approach for that is to create multiple NI Sessions, one for each Qorvo device tracked. No change is needed on the Qorvo device’s firmware.