
Does anyone have info on how the position accuracy is affected by either the distance between anchors or the number of anchors used? If I double the number of anchors, does it halve the position error? Or if I double the distance between anchors, does it halve the position error? Any technical data regarding how to affect accuracy would be greatly appreciated!

? are you referring to a particular product or just in general ?

When using DW1000 ICs there is an underlying accuracy of a range between two devices. The position is derived from a number of ranges, and this depends on the algorithm used, but the errors from each range will generally accumulate.

The error does not increase with distance between devices, e.g. if tag to anchor range is 5m and the error is 5cm, then at 10m the error should still be 5cm, same at 20m etc. (for a LOS conditions).

With DWM1001, PANS FW, the tag will range to 4 anchors, its internal LE / anchor selection algorithm will select 4 out of the anchors in range. Having more anchor will not give you better performance. A better anchor positions/location in the environment will. E.g. having all anchors on the same plane is not a good idea. Good x, y, and z separations between anchors will reduce x, y, and z errors.

Your best bet is to review various research topic on this …

Hi Zoran,

what do you mean by Good x, y, and z separations between anchors will reduce x, y, and z errors. could you please give an example?

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The anchors need to be located at the corners of the room and at different heights. This gives a good x,y and z separation. For example if you place all the anchors at the same height and you look at them from the side (xz direction) you will see that their is no z separation and the accuracy of the z-axis will be low.

But for 2D the anchors need to be located at the same height. Right?